God Given Talents

Welcome To The Sermon Theme On God-Given Talents

God has blessed His people throughout history with simple God-given talents, to help them serve God to the best of their capabilities. When most people think about the word ‘talent’ today, they think of a big talent, the visible talent, the talents which are done in public but God can use the small, secretive talents too!

In this small 7-part sermon series, we will look at some of God’s old faithfuls found within the Scriptures to see if we can get some ideas and follow their example of how to use the talent they possessed. Some may surprise you, some may disturb you but all will encourage you to use the talent or talents which God has given each of us for His glory and His cause. Remember, Jesus once taught a lesson on ‘talents’ in a parable, ‘if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it and much more!’

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1. Talent, Talent Everywhere! All Of Which Are To Be Used. Lydia. Acts 16:12-15  
2. A Sacrificial Leader, Led By God. Jephthah. Judges 11-12:6  
3. From Rags To Riches. Rahab. Joshua 2-8:25  
4. Is There No End To My Suffering? Ezekiel  
5. Hadassah, The Jewish Queen Of Persia. Esther. Esther 2-5:5  
6. How To Share The Gospel?  
7. Fruit Of The Spirit Or Religious Nuts!