The Book Of Judges


The Book of Judges is a book made up of poetry, and riddles, but mainly it’s a narrative history. The book’s purpose was to teach Israel that God is faithful and He will punish people for their sins if they don’t remain loyal and devoted to Him.

God’s people were led to Canaan to conquer the land, but instead, they became infected with the idolatry of Canaan. They were to make no treaties with the inhabitants, and they weren’t to marry any foreigners.

But they were happy to settle among the Canaanites, to the point where you didn’t know who the Israelites were and who the Canaanites were. And instead of them driving out the Canaanites, they just became like them and practised what they practised.

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Complete Study Of The Book Of Judges

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Judges 1

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Judges 2

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 2

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Judges 3

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 3

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Judges 4

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 4

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Judges 5

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 5

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Judges 6

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 6

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Judges 7

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 7

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Judges 8

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 8

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Judges 9

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 9

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Judges 10

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 10

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Judges 11

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 11

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Judges 12

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 12

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Judges 13

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 13

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Judges 14

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Judges 15

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 15

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Judges 16

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 16

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Judges 17

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Judges 18

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Judges Chapter 18

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Judges 19

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Judges 20

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Judges 21

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