Sin: Pride.
Pharaoh’s pride is the cause of its downfall. Ezekiel 29:1-5.
God’s judgment of Egypt. Ezekiel 29:6-9.
Egypt will be destroyed but her restoration is foretold. Ezekiel 29:10-16.
Nebuchadnezzar will conquer and plunder Egypt. Ezekiel 29:17-21.
Day of judgment speedy and complete. Ezekiel 30:1-19.
The Lord will have vengeance on Egypt and her allies. Ezekiel 30:1-5.
Egypt’s supporters will leave her. Ezekiel 30:6-9.
Nebuchadnezzar will be God’s method of vengeance. Ezekiel 30:10-12.
God describes how his vengeance will be inflicted. Ezekiel 30:13-19
This message of Ezekiel was delivered during Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jerusalem. It is specifically directed toward the Pharaoh of Egypt. Because the Pharaohs of Egypt thought that they were the descendants of the gods, they were arrogant and pompous. The Nile River was the source of food for Egypt, and thus the foundation of their existence. The crops of Egypt were planted along the silted banks of the Nile, which made it possible for Egypt to have food even in the worst of famines.
Pharaoh wallowed in the wealth of the Nile. But God would bring him up from the Nile as a fish caught on a hook. As scales are attached to the fish, the people would cling to the big fish Pharaoh, which would result in all of them being cast into the wilderness.
It was abhorrent to the Egyptians not to be buried, especially for the Pharaoh who would enjoy a great entombment at the time of his burial. Because they would not be buried, animals and birds would eat their discarded bodies. Israel had leaned on Egypt in the past for help, but Egypt crumbled as a staff that was made of flimsy reeds.
Egypt would be laid waste by the Babylonians from the small town of Migdol in the north, Exodus 14:2 / Numbers 33:7, to Syene, modern-day Aswan, in the south. This was the totality of the heart of Egypt.
This time of 40 years may be symbolic, taken from Israel’s forty years of wandering in the wilderness, Numbers 14:33 / Psalm 95:10. It would refer to the time when the Medo-Persian Empire extended into Egypt from 525 to 487 B.C. As Israel was scattered among the nations, so would the Egyptians be scattered during their period in the wilderness.
Only the Egyptians were promised to be restored to their land. All the other nations against whom prophecies were made, were destined to termination. God seems to make this promise to the Egyptians because they were the nation that housed His people during their years of development as a nation.
Though the Egyptians would emerge as a nation, they would not be the dominant and glorious nation that they were in their former years. In her apostasy, Israel turned to Egypt for help. But Egypt would never again be a strong nation to which Israel would be tempted to again turn for help.
Nebuchadnezzar laid siege against Tyre for thirteen years. However, he took little spoil from the city. It was at this time in history that God was using the Babylonian Empire to bring judgment on Assyria for arrogantly striking against the people of God in the northern kingdom, and then against Judah.
In order that the Babylonian army to continue to be God’s proxy judgment against the apostate people of God, they needed to survive. For this reason, therefore, God allowed Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Egypt.
The reference to the horn of the house of Israel here could be to the time when God would open Ezekiel’s mouth once again to speak concerning Israel and her future.
At this time his mouth was closed, for he could speak only concerning the destiny of the nations around Israel. But when God once again allowed him to speak, he would speak of the restoration of Israel, as well as the coming of the Messiah.