The Book Of Acts


The Book of Acts tells us about the movement of the Gospel and Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome. The focus of the book moves from Jesus to the apostles.

Although Luke hardly tells us anything about the apostles or church order or organisation, the book is a historical record of the church in the first 30 years. Some call the book the Acts of the Apostles, whilst others call it the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

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Complete Study Of The Book Of Acts

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Acts 1

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Acts 2

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 2

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Acts 3

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 3

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Acts 4

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 4

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Acts 5

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 5

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Acts 6

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 6

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Acts 7

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 7

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Acts 8

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 8

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Acts 9

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 9

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Acts 10

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 10

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Acts 11

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 11

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Acts 12

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 12

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Acts 13

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 13

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Acts 14

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 14

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Acts 15

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 15

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Acts 16

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 16

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Acts 17

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 17

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Acts 18

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 18

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Acts 19

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 19

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Acts 20

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 20

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Acts 21

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 21

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Acts 22

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 22

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Acts 23

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 23

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Acts 24

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 24

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Acts 25

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 25

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Acts 26

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 26

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Acts 27

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 27

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Acts 28

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Acts Chapter 28

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