The Book Of James

Welcome To The Sermon Series On The Letter Of James

The Book of James is arguably one the toughest books in the Bible to read, not because its content is difficult to understand but because the application of the content to our Christian lives can be really challenging at times.

In this series of 12 sermons, you will find many practical applications for your Christian life, but most importantly you will discover that ‘faith alone’ won’t save anyone, but faith and works must work together. Does your faith have legs attached!

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1. Make Me A Servant. James 1:1  
2. From Tears Of Despair, To Tears Of Joy! James 1:2-11  
3. Yield Not To Temptation. James 1:12-18  
4. Holes In The Fence. James 1:19-20  
5. The Bible Based Religion. James 1:21-27  
6. It Makes No Difference To God. James 2:1-13  
7. Faith With Legs Attached. James 2:14-26  
8. Not Many Of You Should Become Teachers! James 3:1-18  
9. War And Peace. James 4:1-17  
10. Riches In The Right Place. James 5:1-6  
11. How To Deal With Oppression. James 5:7-12  
12. Help Me! I'm Falling! James 5:13-20