1. God often uses unlikely people to complete His plan. Why do you suppose that is?
2. This may seem an incidental fact, but there had to be a tomb for Jesus. We recently worshipped on a day designated as Easter Sunday. It marks the day that our Saviour rose from the grave, conquering it! How different would it be if there had not been a tomb?
3. Remember when Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb (John 11). How do these two incidents relate and what do they say to us now?
4. Joseph was a wealthy man, a prominent leader, a member of the council. He had become a disciple (follower) of Christ at some point.
a. What was he risking to make such a gift available to Jesus?
b. What risks do we take in our lives to follow Christ?
5. In his prominent position, he called upon Pilate to allow him to take the body of Jesus. Can you imagine the fear he must have felt?
Even the public disciples shirked, hid, and denied their connection! Imagine one who had loved in secret now coming forward publicly before the government and all the Jews to proclaim allegiance.
a. Does this remind you of anything in your own life?
b. Are you ever fearful in acting on Christ’s behalf?
6. Why do you suppose that we do not know more about this Joseph? What do you think happened to him after the Resurrection?
7. How do you feel about Joseph? Was he noble? Brave? Important?
8. Note: Joseph didn’t ask someone else to do it. He handled the body, he arranged the interment. Is there a lesson in this for us?
9. Matthew Henry remarks in his commentary that of particular note is the reference to Joseph’s wealth.
How can we better honour the things that God gives us?
How ready are you to ‘put yourself out there’ for Christ and His will?
How publicly and devotedly do you serve?
How much do you sacrifice? Build faith in others? Share your gifts?
What else can we take away from this story of the selfless act of a devoted disciple?