In the Book of Revelation, we find the apostle John exiled in Patmos and it’s here he receives signs, from God concerning the judgment of the Roman Empire.
I want to deal with a doctrine which is spreading around among certain Christian groups right now.
When it comes to the subject of the ‘mark of the beast’ in Revelation 13, it never ceases to amaze me the many different theories there are on what this mark actually is.
Does it really speak about people being ‘microchipped’ in the future?
Does it really speak about ‘bar codes’ being tattooed on people’s heads and hands in the future?
I don’t have to remind you that the Book of Revelation is a highly figurative book.
And we must also keep in mind, that it was written to the seven churches of Asia Minor, Revelation 2-3, to prepare the saints in Asia for the enormous persecutions they would soon have to face.
John says everything he saw in his vision was going to happen soon, not thousands of years later.
In Revelation 13 John introduces us to the sea beast, which I believe is Rome and her rulers.
He also introduces us to the land beast, which represents the militia who set up images of Rome’s emperors and who enforced emperor worship.
Let’s look at the Number 666.
If the number seven represents that which is complete and perfect, the number six falls one short of seven. If seven is perfection, then since six is one less than seven, it represents imperfection.
And look at how it’s multiplied in 666, imperfection, imperfection, imperfection! That’s what John means.
The Roman Empire was the embodiment of human imperfection and human sinfulness.
I’ve received countless emails and heard countless lessons from so-called Christians saying, ‘don’t take the covid-19 vaccination, it’s the ‘mark of the beast’!
The number 666 isn’t some literal number on some literal human’s head. Nor is it a Social Security number, microchip or tattoo, as some have suggested in the past.
It simply represents the imperfection and sinfulness of man, especially those who were enforcing emperor worship.
The number, 666 is a sign of utter and complete imperfection of man and his sinfulness outside of Jesus, especially in light of the identity of the sea beast and the land beast, which was enforcing emperor worship.
To understand what this ‘mark’ is we need to go back into the history of Rome.
Rome had ordered that all citizens give both political and religious allegiance to Rome and her government. All citizens had to submit to the Roman laws along with the Roman religious laws, this was a demonstration of loyalty to Rome.
The ‘mark’ refers to those who would direct worship toward Rome.
The mark, or identification, was both psychological, that’s what the mark is on their ‘foreheads’ refers to, and the mark was also physical, that what the mark on their ‘hands’ refers to.
But make no mistake about it, Domitian wanted total allegiance given to him and he wanted the very minds of people, the ‘forehead mark’, along with an outward recognition, the ‘hand mark’, that people were allegiant to him.
Is John speaking about a literal mark?
Many believe that the ‘mark’ is a literal, physical mark on the bodies of unbelievers. But when we contrast this ‘mark’ with the ‘seal’ which is on the forehead of believers, we soon discover it isn’t literal.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a Christian with a literal, physical seal, with the names of Jesus and the Father tattooed on their foreheads.
Remember this is figurative language and here John is describing those who have been born again, those who have been redeemed by Christ’s blood.
In other words, the seal is describing ownership, those who belong to Christ and the Father, those who are faithful to Him.
By way of contrast, the false prophet is trying to get everyone who isn’t a Christian to have the ‘mark of the beast’ written on their forehead.
This simply means that this ‘mark’ was a sign that they belong to the beast and are loyal to him.
The devil always tried to do what God does and so, this ‘mark’ on their foreheads or on their right hand is simply the devil’s way of imitating the seal of God on God’s people.
If you have the name of Jesus and God the Father written on your forehead, it simply means that they own you, that you belong to them, and that you are loyal to the Lord God Almighty.
But if you have ‘the mark of the beast’, written on your forehead, it signifies that he owns you, that you belong to him, that you are loyal to the devil.
Since the seal or name on the believer is obviously invisible, this is symbolizing the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
Common sense tells us that the mark of the beast is also a figurative way of describing the loyalty of his followers and his ownership of them.
We must always be careful when we’re trying to understand any text of the Bible, especially those texts which are very figurative in nature.
If we’re not careful we can come to all kinds of conclusions and sadly, many people do.
When we remember that the things John wrote about in Revelation were ‘soon to take place’.
We can know for sure that John when he speaks of this ‘mark’, isn’t speaking about ‘microchip implants, tattoos or bar codes’, something which going to happen in the future.
He was writing to Christians about things which were going to happen to them and in their lifetime. And however you interpret the Book of Revelation, here’s the best commentary I’ve ever heard on it.
God has blessed us with a way through this pandemic using scientists from all over the world.
He blessed them with the knowledge and wisdom to put together many vaccines that will literally save our lives.
Stay blessed, stay focused, and stay in Christ.