Vitamins and minerals are essential to helping our body develop and function as it should. While most people get all of what is recommended by eating healthy, others need a little extra nutrient boost. That is where supplements come in, they provide us with the support our body needs to stay healthy.
Everyone knows the value of taking vitamins on a regular basis, however, not many people remember to take their daily spiritual vitamins, which help us develop spiritually as we should. If you want to stay healthy spiritually, then below are a few spiritual vitamins to help us in our development.
The Assurance Vitamin gives us a feeling of complete confidence and assurance. It feeds our faith and starves our doubts. In itself, it is a one-a-day vitamin.
Why not read and meditate on it every day for 30 days? It can transform your life. You will have more energy than you know what to do with.
The Positive Vitamin reminds us that every day is a good day because God has given it to us. If it seems bad, many times it’s because we make it that way.
Let the sunshine be in your soul today. Doctors say that a positive attitude helps people to get well sooner.
The Kindness Vitamin reminds us that people are starved of kindness. They desperately need it. Don’t let the opportunity pass. Practice it daily.
William Penn said, “If therefore there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”
The Blessing Vitamin helps us ask the question; did you know we can’t ever imagine the blessings God is capable of giving us? God’s power in a Christian is a marvelous thing to behold.
Do you ask for his blessings daily? Do you thank him daily? You can’t count them all!
The Escape Vitamin reminds us that it is easy to become discouraged because sin can so easily beset us. We want to want to give up. The only thing necessary for sin to triumph over sin is for good people to do nothing.
Don’t ever give up or give in. Look for the escape hatch. It’s there.
The Contented Vitamin reminds us that most people in the world are not a contented people. We may need a double dose of this vitamin.
Notice our strength comes from Christ, not ourselves. The next time you start complaining and whining make a list of your blessings.
The Anti-Doubt Vitamin reminds us that our success as Christians depends upon our ability to trust God. Doubt is one of Satan’s most potent weapons. Doubt is the reason we fail so many times.
Doubt is also the reason our prayers fail also. Doubt knocks the props out from under our faith so don’t allow it to do this to you.
The Anti-Fear Vitamin reminds us that fear is something we create.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. If we are on God’s side, there is nothing to fear.
The Goal Vitamin reminds us of our main purpose in life. This is our goal. Nothing else should exceed it. We want to be strong and pleasing to God, which is our goal.
Our reward is to enjoy happiness in this life and heaven in the life to come. What more can we ask?
Take these vitamins daily and remember that the power of these spiritual vitamins is not in just repeating these words every day but in believing them and putting them into action.
A deficiency in any of these vitamins can result in an unfruitful, weak, tired, sickly Christian life.