Jesus, The Master Teacher


It is said that Jesus “Came to seek and save that which was lost.” Luke 19:20. Before one can teach, he must first seek. This should be a mindset, a part of our thinking. We should be constantly looking, observing, and seeking out people that we can teach.

A sign on the outside of our buildings which says “Visitors Welcome” is not seeking. True, we prefer that people come to us, but it does not work this way. We must go to them since few will ever be coming to us. Thus, we must become seekers. Because we do not seek, we eliminate abundant opportunities to reach the lost.

We often convince ourselves that it is not appropriate, even politically correct, to bring up the subject of religion. The truth is it is always appropriate. We often look for the perfect time and circumstance, but this is not usually the case.

Paul said, “Be ready in season, out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:2. So whether it appears to be an opportunity or not, be sure and teach. Paul, if in a marketplace might meet a total stranger, yet he would seek the opportunity to teach that person.

On one occasion Jesus sent the apostles into Sychar, a Samaritan village, to purchase food. On the way, they probably brushed by a woman coming to fetch water from Jacob’s well where Jesus was sitting and resting. He immediately struck up a conversation with her. When they returned, they were astonished to find Jesus speaking to this Samaritan woman.

She would soon return with the entire village to hear Jesus preach. The disciples failed to see the opportunities they had to teach. Jesus told them, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.”

The woman and the people of the village were open for teaching, yet the disciples never gave it a second thought. Jesus remained for two days teaching them. Read John 4:5-42.

When we look at someone, we should always see a soul is worth more than the entire world. Just as Jesus called the first disciples to be “fishers of men,” we too are called to be fishers of men.

Characteristics Of The Master Teacher

1. He showed compassion for the people. Matthew 9:36.

2. He was light to a dark world. John 1:4 / John 1:9 / Colossians 1:13 / Matthew 5:24.

3. He manifested love. Mark 12:30.

4. He created curiosity. There was something about Jesus that caused people to become interested in what he had to say. John 1:35-39.

5. He saw Himself as a servant. He once told His disciples He came not to be served but to serve. Matthew 20:28. He demonstrated this by washing the disciple’s feet. John 13:1-17. He was not below washing dirty feet.

6. He risked the disfavour of men. He was “despised and rejected” by men. Isaiah 55:3. In Luke 12:8 He tells His disciples not to be ashamed to confess “Him before men.”

7. He lamented over the lost. Luke 14:34.

8. He was humble. Luke 14:11. Paul tells us that Jesus “emptied Himself” in coming to this world. Philippians 2:6-8.

9. He befriended the outcast, the Samaritans, adulterers, sinners, and publicans. The Pharisees asked His disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Matthew 9:11-13.

Methods Of The Master Teacher

1. He often employed parables or stories. Matthew 5:14-16 / Mark 2:21-22 / Luke 11:5-13.

We need to use stories. Tell your own story. Acts 22:6-21. Sometimes your own story of how you learned the truth, and from whom, and what changed your thinking, maybe a powerful story for someone who is in a similar situation as you were.

2. He often asked questions. Matthew 16:15 / Luke 6:46.

As an example, the lawyer who came to try him asked “Who is my neighbour?” After telling the story of the man beaten by robbers and left to die. Jesus asked the lawyer “Which of those who passed by the dying man was neighbour to him?” Luke 10:25-37.

While it may conflict with his personal beliefs, to answer correctly, a person is often put in the position of answering with the truth.

3. He was careful not to give them more than they could comprehend.

An example is John 16:12 where in speaking to the disciples he said, “I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” We should never overload a student with more than they can carry on their plate at the moment.

4. He often surprised those He taught. Matthew 7:29.

At the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount it is said, “The people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22.

The Master Teacher Prayed For The Lost

1. He made such a request in John 17:20.

2. He encouraged His disciples to pray for labourers to go into the fields. Matthew 9:38.

3. He encourages us to pray also. John 15:16.

4. Sometimes there are lost people who are praying for knowledge.

This was true with Cornelius. He told Peter that in answer to his prayer, he was told to send to Joppa and ask for Peter, “who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.” Acts 11:14-16.

While the miraculous age has passed and people no longer have visions as Cornelius had, Hebrews 1:1-2, people do pray to God for guidance who are not Christians.

It may be that through the providence of God, you will be led to someone who is seeking truth. Therefore, we should never let any opportunity pass us by where we can teach.


1. Which characteristics do you think would best fit your style of teaching others?

2. What impresses you the most about Jesus’ methods?

3. Can prayer help you to be a better soul winner?

4. What can help you be a better seeker?

5. Seemingly Jesus avoided the priests, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and other high officials. Why do you think He did this? Does this suggest who the best prospects might be?

6. Who do you think are the best prospects for you?

7. Is your story of conversion one that would fit someone else that you know?

8. What part does humility play in teaching the lost?