True And False Prophets And Disciples


‘Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.’ Matthew 7:15-20

True and False Prophets

The term ‘prophets’ technically only includes those who claim inspiration, though practically speaking it would include any teacher who claims to be delivering a message from deity, either directly via inspiration or indirectly via the Scriptures. Jesus wasn’t just a prophet, He was the prophet, Deuteronomy 18:15-22.

Consequently, Jesus’ warning should be considered as potentially applicable to any who claims to teach God’s ways to anyone, myself included.

A false teacher should be characterised as one whose teachings do not harmonise with God’s Word and as one who is unwilling to repent of their erroneous views when brought to their attention.

Although there are many teachers with an outward demeanour of innocence and gentleness, Jesus says that some of them are ravenous wolves inwardly, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

Jesus warned that many false teachers would come, Matthew 24:4-5 / Matthew 24:11 / Matthew 24:24, as does the other writers of the New Testament, 1 Peter 2:1-3 / 1 John 4:1-6 / Jude 1:4. This is one reason elders are to be appointed to shepherd the flock and guard them against false teachers, Acts 20:28-29.

They will devour many souls, leading themselves and others down the pathway to destruction, 2 Peter 2:1-3. But, how can one distinguish between a sheep and a wolf in sheep’s clothing, since their appearance is essentially the same? Matthew 7:15.

The answer is simple, we must examine their ‘fruit’! Matthew 7:16 / Matthew 7:20. We must examine their actions and their teachings carefully and determine if such is in harmony with God’s Word or not.

We must make judgments of this sort all the time. Even at this very moment, you should be examining my words and judging whether or not I am writing the truth, Acts 17:11.

It’s entirely possible to have a good tree and a bad tree that look nearly identical in trunk, limbs, and leaves, yet they differ in the quality of fruit they produce, Matthew 7:17-18.

It would be unwise to interpret Jesus’ statement in Matthew 7:18 in an absolute way. Surely there are good trees physically that may occasionally produce a bad piece of fruit. Likewise, it would seem reasonable to suggest that a bad tree might occasionally produce a good piece of fruit.

This is why we must be ‘fruit inspectors.’ And, when one inspects ‘fruit,’ we must use God’s standard for determining what is good, Galatians 5:22-23.

Eventually, the hypocrisy of all false teachers will be exposed by those who observe them carefully. Such must be true because, as the Lord declared, ‘a bad tree bears bad fruit’, Matthew 7:19 / Luke 6:43-45.

Jesus’ point should be viewed as a general truth. Good trees are the ones that generally produce good fruit. If a tree is producing a quantity of bad fruit, then that tree itself cannot be good. The same is true with people.

The Scriptures teach elsewhere that the duty of man is to fear God and obey Him, Ecclesiastes 12:13. Fulfilling this duty is synonymous with bearing good fruit. If we aren’t fulfilling the duty for which we were created, God will eventually throw us into the eternal fire.

God calls us to be fruit inspectors. While we have no right to sentence and condemn others, Matthew 7:1-5, we are to discern or judge whether or not a person is a false teacher.

We should not blindly accept or support any spiritual idea or religious person. We must carefully test the fruit and hold fast to that which is good, 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

And, may we realise that others are examining the fruit we produce! If we’re a ‘good tree’, keep producing for the Lord! If we’re a ‘bad tree’, repent while we still can, for the axe of God’s judgment and the fire of His wrath are approaching! Matthew 7:19 / Matthew 3:10 / Luke 3:9-17.

True and False Disciples

‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and, in your name, perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matthew 7:21-23

I wonder how many people are going to come up before the Lord’s counter, expecting to get into heaven even though they are not truly prepared.

Many feel they are right with God, but they make sincere yet big mistakes in their life choices, expecting God to make an exception for them. Jesus, as He neared the conclusion of His Sermon on the Mount, delivered some hard words relating to this theme.

Jesus spoke the truth plainly, didn’t He? It’s not enough just to cry out, ‘Lord, Lord!’ Matthew 7:21-22 / Luke 6:46. The idea of saying, Lord twice gives us the impression these people would beg and plead with Jesus. We must do the will of the heavenly Father if we hope to be saved! Matthew 7:21.

These verses clearly disprove the notion of salvation by faith only, though many denominations teach such. We must obey the will of the heavenly Father to the best of our ability, Luke 6:46.

There are ‘many’, Matthew 7:23, who will try to rationalise their way into heaven by listing certain accomplishments or acts of service, but it won’t work. The problem ultimately is that the Lord doesn’t know them!

Even though they have done some good deeds, they are guilty of practising sinful behaviour, ‘lawlessness’! They are not right before God in taking the broad path that leads to destruction, Matthew 7:13. They feel that they deserve salvation for certain acts of service, even though they haven’t genuinely been obedient.

Notice Jesus didn’t say they actually did prophesy in His name and in His name drive out demons and in His name perform many miracles. He said, this is what they claimed, Matthew 7:22 / Acts 19:13-16 / 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.

Many religious people believe in Jesus and have the appearance of righteousness but will end up in hell, even though they feel they should not receive condemnation.

Let it be understood that to prophesy, cast out demons, or do many wonders does not excuse anyone from obeying God’s revealed will! As important as these actions may appear to people, to do these things doesn’t necessarily mean that they are producing good fruit, to obey God is to produce good fruit! Matthew 7:18-19.

When we stand before God’s throne in judgment, the stakes are of an eternal nature. Those who are sincere but wrong won’t make it into the heavenly abode.

Why? Because Jesus didn’t know them, Matthew 7:23 / Matthew 25:1-13 / John 10:27-28. We must do everything within our power to ensure that we are not of that number! We must believe and obey God’s word today! Matthew 7:21 / Luke 6:46.