The Golden Rule


‘So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.’ Matthew 7:12

Throughout the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has specified many moral duties. He now proceeds to close this portion of His lesson by setting forth a general principle, often referred to as the Golden Rule.

‘Do also to them’ is often referred to as the Golden Rule, Matthew 7:12 / Luke 6:31. This is the principle of loving our neighbour as ourselves.

Jesus shows that this simple principle which summarises all the Law and the Prophets say about how we should treat others, Matthew 7:12. This is a fundamental principle of the Christian life that manifests one’s relationship both with his fellow brother in Christ, as well as non-Christians.

This isn’t a selfish motivation for being kind to others, but a mental check by which we can continually guard our behaviour in relation to others. This fundamental principle is the foundation upon which is built all that God would have us do in our relationships with others, Romans 13:8-10 / Galatians 5:14.

If the way, we go about sharing the Gospel with others is a reflection of what God has done in our lives, what does this tell us about how we should share the Gospel with others?

We need to remember how the Gospel was shared with us, with love, patience, compassion and understanding of where the other person is at, 2 Timothy 2:23-26.

This principle that Jesus sets forth touches every aspect of our life and is the best moral rule we can live by. It far exceeds its declaration in the negative sense, that is, ‘do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you,’ which was taught by men such as Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, and Hillel.

The rule, as stated by Jesus, is supreme in that it requires doing good to others and not merely refraining from doing them harm. It is not always easy to see things from another’s perspective, but one should always try to do so and then direct his conduct accordingly.

This verse is certainly an appropriate conclusion to any instruction on moral duties because of its exceedingly broad scope. Interestingly enough, Jesus comments that this principle is really nothing more than a summary of the Old Testament!

A person who is practising the Golden Rule will not murder, lust, commit adultery, divorce unscripturally, make false promises, hate others, judge unrighteously, etc, Matthew 5:17-48.

For a Hebrew of Jesus’ day to faithfully obey the Golden Rule was for them to live obediently under the Mosaic law. In so doing, they would exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew 5:20.

But, what about today? Let us consider some practical examples of how the Golden Rule should be applied in various circumstances of life.

1. We want to be able to trust in and confide in a friend.

Thus, we should be trustworthy and never betray something told to us in confidence, Proverbs 10:9 / Proverbs 27:6.

2. We do not want to be misquoted.

Thus, we will be very careful not to misquote another person or take out of context what they have said or written, Genesis 2:15 / Genesis 3:2 / Matthew 4:1-11.

3. We would like for others to give us the benefit of the doubt.

Thus, we must be inclined to believe the best about others and give them the benefit of the doubt, 1 Corinthians 13:5.

4. We don’t like for anyone to hurt our feelings, mock, or ridicule us.

Thus, we will be very careful not to do such to others, Matthew 22:39 / Luke 6:31-36.

5. We like for our friends and family to show an interest in what we’re interested in.

Thus, we will genuinely reciprocate that behaviour, even though their interests may be unimportant to us otherwise, Philippians 2:3-4.

6. We should treat every woman with the same respect we would want other men to give to our wives, Ephesians 5:25-29.

7. We do not want others to listen to us with the idea of catching us in a mistake.

Thus, we will not listen to others with that kind of critical attitude, Psalm 31:14.

8. We should be as sympathetic to someone mourning the loss of a loved one as we would wish others to be sympathetic toward us in those circumstances, Romans 12:15.

9. We should show the same interest in saving a lost soul as we would want them to show us if we were lost, Luke 15:1-10.

10. When necessary, we will correct and rebuke others in a way in which we would want to be corrected or rebuked, Ephesians 4:15 / 1 Peter 3:15.

We could go on and on, for certainly there are an infinite number of applications for the Golden Rule in everyday life. There are numerous topics that we haven’t even mentioned in regard to this principle.

Take some time to really think about how we would like or expect to be treated, and then make sure we’re living up to our own standards in the way we behave toward others. It’s not enough to simply avoid doing something wrong or harmful to another. We must also desire to do that which is good for them! James 4:17.