In this section, Jesus sent His twelve apostles out in pairs on a preaching tour. This marked the fourth stage in their career. Earlier, they had heard Jesus, been called by Him, and been chosen as apostles. Here they were sent out as His representatives to proclaim the message of repentance, Mark 6:12 / Luke 9:2.
This was one of many preaching trips that Jesus commissioned the twelve to do, Matthew 10:1-15 / Luke 9:1-6. They were given the power to heal as well as to cast out impure spirits, Matthew 10:1 / Mark 6:7 / Luke 9:1. Jesus gives the twelve the authority to work miracles in the lives of anyone they met, Matthew 10:1 / Mark 6:13.
Notice that they received this power before the events of Acts 2, when they were baptised with the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:1-5. What Jesus is doing here is giving them this power in order that their preaching could be confirmed as true, John 20:30-31 / Mark 16:20.
The purpose of the trips was to accomplish the mission of teaching as many people as possible before the event of the cross and resurrection in Jerusalem, Luke 9:1.
The teaching prepared the minds of the people to accept Jesus’ kingship that would later be proclaimed by the disciples on and after the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
The preaching trips also prepared the disciples to face rejection by those to whom they went. Jesus had commissioned them to preach what would be ‘new wine.’ They were going to people of ‘old wineskins,’ Matthew 9:17 / Mark 2:22 / Luke 5:37.
Jesus often sent His disciples out alone, Mark 6:7 / Luke 9:2, but during this trip they to go out in twos. Sending out six pairs of preachers both facilitated the spread of Jesus’ message and gave the apostles valuable practical experience, Mark 6:7.
Notice they weren’t to go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, Matthew 10:5 / Matthew 15:24 / John 4:9, they are instructed to go only to Jewish towns and villages, Luke 9:6.
It wasn’t until after Jesus’ ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in Acts 2, that they are instructed to go into all the world, Matthew 28:19 / Mark 16:15.
The preaching trips gave them an opportunity to face the rejection of a misguided religious world into which they would go after Acts 2. While Jesus was still with them, they could return for His counsel concerning problems they encountered on their preaching trips, Mark 6:12-13 / Matthew 11:1.
The message they were given to proclaim, ‘the kingdom of heaven has come near’, Matthew 10:7 / Matthew 3:2 / Matthew 4:17 / Mark 9:1 / Luke 10:9. The words, ‘Come near’ means it’s about to be established.
As we know, Jesus isn’t speaking about an earthly kingdom but a spiritual kingdom. Through His preaching and the preaching of the twelve, Jesus was preparing Israel for His kingdom reign from heaven that would be the fulfilment of prophecy, Daniel 2:44 / Daniel 7:13-14.
The mission was urgent, so Jesus forbade them to take extra provisions, Matthew 10:9-10 / Mark 6:8-9 / Luke 9:3. This restriction wasn’t intended to be permanent, Luke 22:35-36, but was appropriate for this brief mission, Mark 6:30.
Notice also that they were to take no extra possessions that would burden their trip, they were to take only the clothes they wore and no staff, Matthew 10:9-10 / Mark 6:8-9 / Luke 9:3. Wait a minute, Mark 6:8 says, ‘Take nothing for the journey except a staff, no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.’
Is this a contradiction? Were they to take a staff or not?
Matthew and Luke seem to agree that Jesus prohibited the disciples from taking a staff on their journeys, while Mark appears to give them permission to take one.
Furthermore, although Luke doesn’t record Jesus’ command regarding sandals, some have concluded that Matthew and Mark also contradict each other on this point.
The differences between Matthew and Mark are explained easily when we understand that the writers used different Greek verbs to express different meanings. In Matthew, the word ‘provide’, NKJV, the root Greek word comes from ‘ktaomai’, means to ‘procure for oneself, acquire, get’.
Based upon these definitions, the NASV used the English verb ‘acquire’ in Matthew 10:9. ‘Do not acquire’, instead of ‘provide’ or ‘take.’
In Matthew, Jesus is saying, ‘Do not acquire anything in addition to what you already have that may tempt you or stand in your way. Just go as you are.’ As Mark indicated, the apostles were to ‘take’, ‘airo’ what they had, and go, Mark 6:8-9.
The apostles weren’t to waste precious time gathering supplies, extra apparel, staffs, shoes, etc, or making preparations for their trip, but instead were instructed to trust in God’s providence for additional needs. Jesus didn’t mean for the apostles to discard the staffs and sandals they already had, rather, they weren’t to go and acquire more.
It’s obvious from a comparison of the verses in Matthew and Luke, that they are recording the same truth, that the apostles weren’t to spend valuable time gathering extra staffs, only they are using different words to do so.
Luke didn’t use ‘ktaomi’ in his account because he nearly always used ‘ktaomi’ in a different sense than Matthew did. In Matthew’s account, the word ‘ktaomai’ is used to mean ‘provide’ or ‘acquire,’ whereas in the Books of Luke and Acts, Luke used this word to mean ‘purchase, buy, or earn.’
The point is simply this, Jesus wanted them to go as quickly as possible to proclaim the message that the Messiah had arrived but at the same time, they needed to learn to trust God to take care of their everyday needs, Matthew 6:11 / Matthew 6:25-34.
Please note the word, ‘worry’, ‘merimnao’, in Matthew 6:11 and Matthew 6:25-34, comes from the Greek root word, ‘merimna’ which means ‘distraction’, in other words, don’t let your everyday needs distract you from putting God first.
Jesus tells the twelve, ‘freely you have received, freely give’ Matthew 10:8. This should be one of the basic principles of Christian living. In the context of Matthew 10:1-16, Jesus was referring to they’re freely receiving the power to heal the sick. In other words, they weren’t to heal for money, they were to use the free gift of healing in a generous manner.
Remember after they received power from the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-4, they would remember this principle. And so, they would freely impart the ‘miraculous gifts’ to all by the ‘laying on of their hands’, Acts 8:18.
The miraculous gifts don’t exist today because no apostles exist to ‘lay their hands’ on us, but we do recognise that God has freely given His grace, therefore we should freely proclaim it to others.
Jesus tells the twelve, ‘the worker is worth his keep,’ Matthew 10:9-11. In other words, those who minister spiritual things are worthy of physical things.
Hence why it’s Biblical to pay a ‘full-time’ evangelist. This has always been a principle among God’s people, Luke 10:7 / 1 Corinthians 9 / Galatians 6:6 / 1 Timothy 5:17-18.
Why would Jesus tell them to stay in one house? Luke 9:4.
They weren’t to live from house to house in the towns and cities because this may have been interpreted as them searching for material blessings. Also, when we think about it today, if we go somewhere on a trip, we don’t book several places to stay, we book one place and use that place as a base.
If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages, Luke 10:5-8. Do not move around from house to house.
Notice they were to greet the owner of that household, not the house itself, Matthew 10:12-13 / Luke 10:5–9. If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them, if not, it will return to you.
Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house. The idea behind the greeting and saying peace was based on the thought that the household that received the messengers were in agreement with and wanted to fellowship the message of the messengers.
What does shaking the dust from your feet mean? Matthew 10:14 / Mark 6:11 / Luke 9:5. This was a Jewish custom that demonstrated to the inhospitable their lack of hospitality and acceptance of the messenger and his message, Nehemiah 5:13 / Luke 10:10-11 / Acts 13:49-51.
Jesus is saying that those who would receive the messengers of Jesus were receiving Jesus, Matthew 12:41 / John 15:18-27. If they didn’t receive Jesus and what He taught, they would be rejected in the judgment of God.
Why were the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah less inexcusable than the sins of cities and villages that rejected the apostles? Matthew 10:15.
Simply because they sinned in ignorance, whereas the cities of Jesus’ day sinned against the light, the Messiah, they should have known better. You can read all about Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 and Jude 7.
There going out was going to be dangerous, they were going out among the wolves, Matthew 10:16. The brutal and vicious dangers to which the apostles would be exposed weren’t concealed by the Lord. Their mission was dangerous and filled with countless perils. The words ‘sheep in the midst of wolves’ are very appropriate and expressive.
Ask any farmer, what would a wolf do to his flock? One wolf in a flock of sheep is a source of incredible slaughter and destruction. And so, in venturing into the dangers of their journey, the disciples must maintain their innocence in an environment of evil. In order to do such, they must exercise great wisdom on their journey, Philippians 2:14-16.
What does ‘shrewd as snakes’ mean? Matthew 10:16.
It simply means the disciples are to exercise great wisdom in their work for the Master, the serpent was symbolic of carefulness, craftiness, and wisdom. The serpent was considered a symbol of wisdom among the ancients, especially the python.
The girl at Philippi who followed Paul and Silas was said to have had a ‘spirit which could predict the future’, Acts 16:16, but the Greek word denotes that she had a python! Genesis declares that ‘the serpent was more shrewd’, Genesis 3:1 / 2 Corinthians 12:16 / Ephesians 5:15 / Colossians 4:5.
What does ‘innocent as doves’ mean? Matthew 10:16.
The dove was symbolic of peace, innocence, and purity. The dove as a symbol of harmlessness and innocence derived significance from Noah’s use of it as a messenger in the ark, Genesis 8.
We also see the significance of this when the Spirit descended upon Jesus, signifying the start of His ministry, Matthew 3:16.