Before we get into the text of 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, we must remember that God doesn’t deceive anyone, He wants us to know the truth, so we can live by it, John 8:32 / John 14:6.
Adam Clarke in his commentary says the following.
‘There is a peculiarity of the Hebrew language which does not always distinguish between permission and commandment. Often the Scripture attributes to God what He only permits to be done; or what in the course of His providence He does not hinder.’
When it comes to understanding how God sends powerful delusions, it may be helpful to go back to understand how God dealt with people in the past.
Here we read about Pharaoh’s attitude towards God, he didn’t know God and wasn’t interested in anything relating to Him. Later we read about him hardening his own heart towards the truth concerning God, during the second plague of frogs, Exodus 8:15. Later still, God would harden Pharaoh’s heart after five plagues had already occurred, Exodus 10:20.
In other words, Pharaoh’s part in hardening his own heart was an active part. He chose not to obey the will of God. God’s part was simply to empower Pharaoh to exercise that choice. This is evident from the fact that Pharaoh was held fully responsible for his hardness and punished for it.
When Pharaoh was being told the truth by Moses concerning the real God’s intentions, he scoffed and refused. Moses was prepared to demonstrate miraculous powers to convince him. Imagine Moses’ surprise when Pharaoh’s magicians replicated those early miracles, Exodus 7:11-13 / Exodus 7:22 / Exodus 8:7.
In each case, it seemed like a loss, because, ‘Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as God had said’. However, this allowed the plagues to become stronger and more effective, and even the magicians themselves had to proclaim, ‘This is the finger of God,’ Exodus 8:18-19. God told Pharaoh the truth but allowed him to believe his lying magicians instead, Exodus 7:11-12 / Exodus 7:20-22 / Exodus 8:6-7.
After reading these passages and taking note that Micaiah isn’t relating a historical event, but a vision, what we see here is that God didn’t in reality command that the false prophets lie to Ahab. He simply permitted them to do so, as they had already been doing.
Micaiah’s vision simply related in figurative language how God would use Ahab’s own false prophets to bring about his downfall. The fact that Ahab was punished shows that Ahab himself was held responsible for rejecting the truth and believing the lie.
God didn’t lie to Ahab nor did He put lies in the mouth of Ahab’s prophets. God simply made use in a providential way of those who were already lying to Ahab. The false prophets lied because they chose to lie and Ahab believed them because he chose to believe them.
Notice that the hardness of the heart on the part of Israel is attributed to the prophet himself.
Here when Jesus quotes the Isaiah passage, He appears to attribute the hardness of Israel’s hearts to God.
Here when Jesus quotes the Isaiah passage, He appears to attribute the hardness of Israel’s hearts to the Jews themselves.
Here we read that the apostle Paul quotes the Isaiah passage and like Jesus, he too attributed the Jews’ hardness of heart to the Jews themselves.
When we put all these passages together it becomes very clear that the prophet was to preach until they grew weary of him preaching, but he kept on preaching.
God wouldn’t overrule their stubborn wills, nor force them to believe His truth. But the real offenders were the Jews themselves, they hardened their own hearts, closed their own eyes, and shut their own ears because they were satisfied with the way things were.
With all that in mind, let’s go back to our main text.
Here we read the coming of the lawless one reveals itself in all power, he will use counterfeit, power, signs and miracles to deceive people, Matthew 7:21-23. The word ‘counterfeit’ means something which appears to be genuine but isn’t. There was going to be a lying figure who would deceive ‘those on their way to destruction’, 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
This might make little sense until we realise who is being fooled and why. God would allow a lie to succeed ‘because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.’ 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
We get the same principle being taught by Paul in Romans 1:24-25, where we find God ‘giving people over’, which means He abandoned them to reap the rewards of their own evil actions.
This was their punishment for abandoning God. God gave them over in the ‘sinful desires of their hearts’, why? To let them learn what lust would plunge them into, the ‘degrading of their bodies with one another’, Romans 1:26-27.
We also read that ‘they exchanged the truth about God for a lie,’ this means to exchange the truth of God for a lie reaches the depths of foolishness. This is true anytime the truth is exchanged for a lie, whether in faith or practice, Romans 3:4 / Romans 16:18.
The way of salvation is clearly taught in Romans 1:24-25 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, those who believe the truth and obey it shall be saved but those who don’t believe the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness, shall be finally and forever condemned.
People who won’t accept God’s morality, but who love evil, will be quite easily deceived by Satan. People who have pleasure in doing wrong will be blinded and hardened. They will be deceived. They shall then have no difficulty in believing a lie, not the truth. Satan’s lie consists of getting men to believe him instead of God, Genesis 3:1-6.
We must remember that God does not lie, Hebrews 6:18 / Titus 1:2 / 2 Timothy 2:13, but God has created us in such a way that if we do not love the truth, we will come to believe what we want to believe.
The atheist will examine the evidence and conclude that there is no God. Not because the evidence demands his conclusion, but because he is not willing to accept God and His will. The evolutionist examines the evidence and concludes that all forms of life have evolved from one common ancestor. He reaches that conclusion, not because the evidence is strong, but because he is not willing to believe otherwise.
Many who walk by feelings and emotions in religious matters do so, not because the evidence demands such action, but because such is pleasing and satisfying to them, Proverbs 14:12. And so, it is to these and many others, God ‘sends strong delusion’.
He doesn’t lie to them and He doesn’t take away their free will either. He tells them the truth, but He allows them to weigh the evidence and decide for themselves what they will believe.
Those who listen to truth, understand that the age of the miraculous has ceased, 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 / Hebrews 1:1-2, they won’t fall victim to all these counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders that many people today claim are real. Those who listen to truth live by faith not by sight, 2 Corinthians 5:7. Those who belong to Christ will always test the spirits, 1 John 4:1 / 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
God told Pharaoh the truth but allowed him to believe his lying magicians instead, Exodus 7:11-12 / Exodus 7:20-22 / Exodus 8:6-7. God told Ahab the truth, but He did not force Ahab to believe it. God told the Jews of Jesus’ day the truth, but they were free to reject the truth and most of them did.
God, in His word, tells us the truth, John 8:31-32, He doesn’t actively deceive any man, woman or child, but any person who does not love God’s truth will find a way to believe what he wants to believe and God will allow him to do so.
Those who set themselves up as God’s enemies will often fall for the lies told by those who tell them what they want to hear. When Paul talked about tumultuous events of the first century with the saints of Thessalonica, he said it had a purpose.
God allows delusion and falsehood to succeed so that those who refuse the truth will be invited to their own destruction. We all have the choice to follow the good or take pleasure in wickedness.