It never ceases to amaze me how some people are so inconsistent when it comes to interpreting the Scriptures. We’ve all met these sincere people who want nothing more than to convince us that Christians can’t go to heaven where God dwells because that space is for the elite, it’s for the 144,000 but we can possess second best, heaven in Erath and remain here on Planet Earth after it has had its fiery cleansing process.
When it comes to the Book of Revelation we have to remember that it’s highly figurative and highly symbolic and when we come to understand what John wrote we need to be consistent with what is literal and what is figurative, otherwise, we end up withal kinds of wonderful ideas.
Now if the number 144,000 is literal, then we must conclude that its composition must also be literal, which means the number is composed of 12,000 Jews from each tribe mentioned, and none from Dan. If the tribes of Revelation 7 are to be literally taken, then that would mean that not one person from the tribe of Ephraim or Dan will enter heaven, because they’re not included in this list.
And if we take this literally that would mean that the Old Testament heroes like Joshua, who was from the tribe of Ephraim, and Samson, who was from the tribe of Dan, won’t be in heaven.
Notice also that even though, ‘tribe of Joseph’, is mentioned, we know that Joseph wasn’t a tribe in the literal sense, which again helps us see that the whole context is figurative.
The number was sealed, indicating God’s protection of all His people on earth, the great multitude had white robes, indicating victorious saints in the keeping of God, Revelation 7:4 / Revelation 7:9.
John later will identify the great multitude as in heaven, not on earth.
If this is to be taken literally, then those who believe it’s only the 144,000 who will be in heaven, must exclude the ‘great multitude, which no one could count’ from heaven. Those who argue for a literal translation have a get-out clause for this, which is to create yet another group of people, they say this group represents the ‘earthly class.’
They tell us that only the 144,000 will be in heaven and everyone else will be on earth, but notice what the text actually says, this multitude was described as ‘standing before the throne’, and where is the throne, it’s in heaven, Revelation 1:4 / Revelation 4:2-10.
Again, these saints ‘before the throne’ were serving God in ‘His temple’. Revelation 7:15 / Revelation 11:19.
The 144,000 are mentioned again in Revelation 14 and again, the number is grouped with several other prominent symbols.
Notice the following, there is the ‘Lamb,’ which is a figure representing Christ. John 1:29 / Revelation 5:6. There is Mount Zion, a symbol of divine government, Isaiah 2:2-4. There is the number 144,000, suggestive of the heavenly complement of God’s people, in other words, no one will be missing who is supposed to be there. And then we have the saints who are depicted as ‘virgins,’ which descriptive emphasises their purity, 2 Corinthians 11:2.
And so, once again, when we read these passages we must be consistent with our interpretation, if we’re going to say that the 144,000, is a literal number, then to be consistent, we should also argue that a literal Lamb was literally standing on literal Mount Zion with a group of literal men who had never been intimate with literal women, hence, were literal virgins!
If this whole thing was to be taken literally this is what we would end up with. Only men will be in heaven, hence, Deborah, Naomi, Mary, Dorcus, and women of like faith are without that hope. Only unmarried men who are virgins will gain heaven. This would exclude Abraham, Moses, Peter, and a host of other Bible characters. Surely, we can see how crazy this could get!
The 144,000 of Revelation 7 and Revelation 14 are to be identified with ‘the great multitude’, they are the same group viewed from different standpoints and they all signify the entire body of the redeemed. This group represents a body of people who were ‘purchased’ from among men. The only purchase price ultimately available for human salvation is that of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Make no mistake about it, there’s not a person alive or who has ever lived will go on to live on planet Earth because when Christ returns the Earth will be totally and utterly destroyed, Matthew 24:35 / 2 Peter 3:10 / Revelation 21:1.
Wherever we look at the 144,000 we must remember that John is using figurative language, and the Bible plainly teaches that there’s ultimately one hope, Ephesians 4:4 and that hope is reserved in heaven for the faithful, 1 Peter 1:3-5.
The Scriptures teach nothing about an earth class and a heaven class in eternity.