The Ten Plagues Upon Egypt


In Exodus 7-12, Moses through the power of God releases 10 plagues of different sorts on the land of Egypt which included, turning all the water to blood, plagues of insects, boils, and hail. Finally, the death of every first-born son included the death of Pharaoh’s eldest who would someday inherit the kingdom of Egypt.

We will see that they were delivered not just to let Pharaoh know who God was but also to let the Israelites know who God was. Because they have been enslaved for 430 years, they didn’t know God, they have become used to being enslaved and used to being around the idol gods of Egypt. And so not only did God have to convince Pharaoh who He was, but He also had to convince the Israelites who He was.

The Plague Of Blood

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Frogs

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Gnats

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Flies

By Mike Glover

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The Plague On Livestock

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Boils

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Hail

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Locusts

By Mike Glover

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The Plague Of Darkness

By Mike Glover

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The Plague On The Firstborn

By Mike Glover

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