We begin today a study of the life of David. He was a man so important it takes sixty-six chapters from the Old Testament to tell the story of his life. In addition there are his many Psalms. His name is mentioned fifty-nine times in the New Testament. He is the only person in the Bible called “a man after God’s own heart.”
After Saul had been rejected by God Samuel a Judge, prophet and priest said to Saul, “But now your kingdom shall not endure. The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people.”
We will see that the chapters on David’s life do not focus so much on his history as on David’s heart.
It means that one’s heart is in harmony with the heart of God. It means that David felt as God felt. His character was very much (not perfectly) like God’s heart. David did some evil things in his life but whether good or bad his allegiance was always to the Lord.
His spiritual compass was often shaken but when the tumult was over, David’s spiritual compass was always pointing toward God. This did not happen overnight after facing the giant. It started when he was a boy when he began to believe in God knowing God would always walk with him.
To understand David’s background we must go to the little book of Ruth. Ruth was as a Moabitess whose husband died. Her mother-in-law Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem. Ruth insisted in returning with her to Bethlehem. We learn that Ruth married Boaz. They had a son named Obed. He would become the father of Jesse, the father of David.
In fact David could trace his linage back to his fourth great grandmother Rahab the Harlot. David was the youngest of ten children—eight boys and two girls. The name David means “beloved,” but seemingly not to his family. David was assigned to the dull, dirty, and lonely duty of caring for a few sheep.
At times, shepherding could be a dangerous job. We know he had to fight wild animals. He said a Lion and a bear each took one of his lambs. David attacked them and rescued his lambs. He killed both beasts.
David would have been looked upon as a nobody since he was a shepherd. But what wonderful spiritual lessons he learned out in the rocky fields caring for his sheep. It was here that David began to walk with God.
We do not know all the factors that influenced David to commit his life to the Lord at an early age. He would have heard the beautiful story of his genealogy which demonstrated the providence of God.
We would not consider David an educated man but when we read his Psalms some of which were probably written during in his youth as a shepherd he amazes us that he was so mature toward God and spiritual matters.
God looked for someone who knew how to work, someone who knew what responsibility was, and someone who would do the job no matter what the cost would be. These were the lessons David learned in those lonely pastures.
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