Love Each Other In Christ


by Sheila Daniell

1. Who are our brethren?

a. People we see at church regularly

b. Christians we meet when we’re visiting other congregations

c. People who can’t get to church i.e. illness, too frail, lack of transport

d. Our families

2. How did Christ show His love?

a. Non-judgemental (woman taken in adultery)

b. Un-biased (healing Samaritan leper; speaking to Samaritan woman)

c. Eating with Scribes, Pharisees and sinners

d. Tolerant (Mary washing His feet with tears and ointment)

e. Concerned for everyone (feeding 5,000 and 4,000)

f. Praying for unity (John 17:20-21)

g. Greatest of all. Allowing Himself to be sacrificed (expand)

3. Using His example, how can we show our love to all our brethren?

a. Through courtesy

b. Putting needs of others before our own comforts

c. Encouraging each other. Hebrews 10:25

d. Keeping people’s confidence (not gossiping or busy-body)

e. Doing things for each other (Phoebe did good works, Rom. 16:1. Dorcas)

f. Bear one another’s burdens (expand)

4. Those who cannot attend

a. We can visit them, esp. on a Sunday. Matthew 18:20.

b. Do a Bible reading with them; sing; take communion to them.

c. Make an effort to collect them for services. Take turns to pick them up


We cannot work our way into Heaven, but we can love our way in.