Complete Study Of The Book Of Song Of Solomon


‘The Song Of Solomon’ or ‘The Song Of Songs’ as it is sometimes known, is truly a love poem at its best, which describes so beautifully the wonderful love relationship between a man and a woman, Genesis 2:21-23.

It also appears to imply that Solomon in his later years, gave up the practice of polygamy and found his one true love, Ecclesiastes 7:2. As with all Old Testament books, there are many lessons we can learn from this beautiful book, Romans 15:4 / Ephesians 5:25-33.


It’s widely accepted that King Solomon wrote the book, in fact, we only have to read Song of Songs 1:1, to see that Solomon himself claims to be the author of it. Song of Solomon would have been one of the 1005 songs which he wrote in his lifetime, 1 Kings 4:32.


If Solomon did write the book, then he would have written it sometime during his reign as king of Israel, probably near the end of his forty-year reign. We know that he died in 931 B.C., so that means it was obviously written before then.

The Characters

Shulamite Woman

King Solomon

Daughters of Jerusalem

The Watchmen

Citizens of Jerusalem

Queens and Concubines


Wedding Guests

Although there are a few characters mentioned within the book, the two main characters are as follows.

1. King Solomon.

Solomon meets a Shulammite woman under an apple tree in the country, Song of Songs 8:5, and falls immediately in love with her. He’s never met anyone like her before, and so he treats her with great respect, Song of Songs 8:10.

2. The Shulammite Woman.

She is a Shulammite woman, Song of Songs 6:13, who was beautiful not only physically, Song of Songs 2:1 / Song of Songs 1:5, but also inwardly, Song of Songs 8:2 / Song of Songs 8:10.

She was also a woman who worked hard under any conditions, Song of Songs 1:6, and knows to handle sheep, Song of Songs 1:7 / Song of Songs 2:16.

Jewish Tradition

One of the customs of the week of Passover is the reading in the synagogue of the biblical poem ‘The Song of Songs.’ ‘The Song of Songs,’ or ‘The Song of Solomon,’ is associated with Passover because it is a love poem set in the Palestinian spring, which comes in late February or early March and generally lasts until mid-April.


When it comes to interpreting the book, there are several views held by many people. I don’t want to go through each one, but here are four of the most popular.

1. Some have interpreted the book as an allegory.

In the Jewish Targum, the book is described as an allegory with the congregation of Israel being the bride and Solomon a representation of God.

2. Some have interpreted the book as an allegory but pointing to something else.

They see the Shulammite as the church and Solomon as God. However, the problem with this allegory is seen when we remind ourselves of the sinfulness of Solomon, Song of Songs 6:8-9 / Deuteronomy 17:17.

3. Some have interpreted the book as an allegory, which represents the Shulammite woman as wisdom personified.

The problem with this interpretation is seen in the fact that the humble Shulammite actually asks to be taught wisdom by Solomon, Song of Songs 8:2.

4. Some have interpreted the book as literal.

As someone once pointed out, the title of the book isn’t ‘The Song of Solomon’ to praise the church, the wicked behaviour of Solomon, the chaste behaviour of a woman, or wisdom.’ The Song is rather Solomon’s expression of deep and devoted love for a woman.

This fourth and final interpretation is the one we will continue to keep in mind as we go through this study. I believe this to be an inspired true story, 2 Timothy 3:16, of Solomon and his newfound love for the Shulammite woman and her love for him.


The bride expresses her deep desire to be with her lover and sings praises about him. Song Of Solomon 1:1-2:7

The affection between the bride and her lover becomes more intimate, and she pours out more praise on the one she loves was very elaborate and exquisite analogies from nature. Song Of Solomon 2:8-3:5

King Solomon gives his praise, as does the bride, and the engagement takes place. Song Of Solomon 3:6-5:1

The bridegroom goes away for a period of time, and during his absence the bride longs for his return and continues to give him praises. Song Of Solomon 5:2-6:9

This section contains some very descriptive verses describing the beauty of the bride. Song Of Solomon 6:10-8:4

The conclusion deals with the durable eternal bond of consummated love. Song Of Solomon 8:5-14

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Complete Study Of The Book Of Song Of Solomon