The Book Of Nehemiah


The seventy years of Israel’s captivity had now come to an end, exactly as Jeremiah said it would, and so, the Book of Nehemiah covers the events of the Jews returning from their Babylonian captivity. In the year 538 B.C., the Medes and Persians took over from the Babylonians and became the ruling power of the world.

All the prisoners, including those from Israel, who were formally under the subjection of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king were now under the control of Cyrus, the Medo-Persian king.

Ezra had been in Jerusalem for about 13 years when Nehemiah came to Jerusalem in 444 B.C., so, Nehemiah covers the events between 444 B.C. and 432 B.C.

Complete Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah

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Nehemiah 1

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Nehemiah 2

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Nehemiah 3

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Nehemiah 4

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 4

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Nehemiah 5

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 5

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Nehemiah 6

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 6

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Nehemiah 7

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 7

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Nehemiah 8

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 8

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Nehemiah 9

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 9

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Nehemiah 10

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 10

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Nehemiah 11

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 11

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Nehemiah 12

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 12

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Nehemiah 13

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Nehemiah Chapter 13

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