This chapter is pretty straightforward. At the very beginning of it, God says to Jeremiah, ‘stay unmarried’. Why is God saving this?
Because of the suffering coming to the wives and children. There is going to be heartache. You will not suffer that heartache, Jeremiah if you stay unmarried. Some believe that that is the reason why Paul said something similar. God says, in this chapter, that no one is going to mourn for Judah. There will be no big burial service. There will be no tears.
Marriage was pretty much obligatory for the Jew, especially so for the members of the Sanhedrin. Telling Jeremiah not to marry was a sign of the devastation to come. This devastation would be so great that God felt that the normal rules and duties of the Jews should be abolished, in Jeremiah’s case.
Notice that it was clear that God Himself gave the reasons here, in these two verses, why He forbade Jeremiah to marry. What’s the point in trying to raise a family if they are going to be butchered?
It’s a serious business for ‘this people’, to have God’s blessing withdrawn from them. The consequence of this is so many people would die that they couldn’t all be buried or mourned over. We may feel great pity for the disaster that is to befall God’s people.
We may also remember the terrible way in which God told Joshua to destroy, completely, the entire population of Canaan, the Promised Land, so that these lands could be occupied by the Israelites. We also recall God’s punishment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Now God’s people had become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and they too were going to be removed.
‘No one will offer food to comfort those who mourn.’ This is a reference to a custom that is still followed by Christians today, that is, providing food for a funeral. The people are being warned, that this is going to happen to them, in their lifetime, in the very near future. God was weary of repenting and repeating His warnings.
Sinful cultures do not get better. They continue to digress further into moral degradation, Genesis 6:5. They were at the point of no moral return. Their consciences had been seared, Romans 1:18-21 / 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
Some people believe that this section was written much later. But there is no reason to believe this. This wonderful promise of restoration belongs just where it is in God’s Word. God will bring them, and the day will come when people will not say, ‘God brought us out of Egypt, but that, God brought us out of the north.’
God promises to restore them to the land that He gave to their forefathers.
But right now, these people need to be taught a lesson. The fishermen and the hunters in these verses are metaphors used to describe the thoroughness of the destruction by the Babylonians. All of these wicked people will be flushed out of their hiding places, and none of them will escape.
Jeremiah seems to be rejoicing over God’s future promises, even rejoicing that the Gentiles also have a hope. This is, in fact, a pretty clear prophecy of the Gentiles coming to God. Also, it tells of their rejection of idolatry. I think it clearly identifies the coming of the Messiah and the spreading of Christianity. Jeremiah, and the people who heard his message, wouldn’t have understood this.
You have been warned, again. This verse stresses the certainty of the punishment to come. And, as verse 9 tells us, it’s going to happen in their lifetime, to quote from the NIV, ‘before your eyes and in your days.’