The Book Of Philippians


I don’t think Paul ever planted a church as more dear to him than this body of believers. Paul never intended to go to Philippi, he was trying to go up to Asia but the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let him, he tried to go into the city but the Spirit of Jesus stopped him and then one night he was sleeping and in his dream, a man from Macedonia said to him, ‘come over and help us here.’

Paul knew that was the Lord’s prompting and so, he and Silas crossed a body of water and to our knowledge, they were the first Christian missionaries in the continent of Europe. They reached the main city in this new region called Philippi, it was a Roman colony, and it was so pagan it didn’t even have a synagogue.

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Complete Study Of The Book Of Philippians

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Philippians 1

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Philippians 2

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Philippians Chapter 2

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Philippians 3

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Philippians Chapter 3

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Philippians 4

Here You Will Find A Verse By Verse Study Of Philippians Chapter 4

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