The Book Of Acts


This Free Bible correspondence course on the Book of Acts is a series of 10 short lessons written by Jim McGuiggan. He is the author of several books including celebrating the Wrath of God. Heading Home with God Life on the Ash Heap. Jesus, Hero of Thy Soul and The Dragon Slayer.

This study helps us gain a good understanding of the early church. We also learn about the work of the Holy Spirit through the apostles and how people responded to the Gospel.

1. Getting Our Bearings

By Jim McGuiggan

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2. The Birth Of The Church

By Jim McGuiggan

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3. The Fire Spreads

By Jim McGuiggan

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4. A Diplomat And A Soldier

By Jim McGuiggan

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5. The Transformation Of Saul

By Jim McGuiggan

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6. The Spirit And Power Of Stephen

By Jim McGuiggan

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7. The Jerusalem Summit

By Jim McGuiggan

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8. Triumphs Of Grace

By Jim McGuiggan

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9. From Ephesus To Rome

By Jim McGuiggan

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10. Looking For The Big Picture

By Jim McGuiggan

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