Let me say something more than what I briefly mentioned in the last chapter, in relation to Moab. Ammon and Moab were born as a result of the sexual association with their father, Lot, Genesis 19. The original home of the Ammonites was from an area east of the Jordan, north of the Moabites. The Ammonites lost some of their territory as a result of an invasion from the Amorites, Numbers 21:21-31.
During the days of the Judges, and the reigns of Saul and David, they often fought against the Israelites, 2 Samuel 10. Amos prophesied against Ammon, especially so in Amos 1:13, when he talked about the pregnant women being ripped open. His prophecy opens with the question, ‘Why has Molech taken possession of Gad? Why do its people live in its towns?
The message is, that God will throw Ammon out of the land that they took from the Israelites.
The Ammonites were land grabbers. They had stolen the land that had been given by God to Gad as a possession. Since Israel had heirs to all the land possessions, then the Ammonites had no right to take the land that had been given to Israel as an inheritance.
When the northern kingdom of Israel was taken into Assyrian captivity in 722/721 B.C., the Ammonites grabbed the land of Gad that was on the eastern side of the Jordan River, land that the Israelites were awarded before they crossed the Jordan to possess the land during the days of Joshua.
The Ammonites trusted in the productivity of their land, and thus took pride in their wealth as a nation. Their fertile valleys and fortified cities were a thing of pride. They thus deceived themselves into thinking that no one would attack them.
Though they thought that they would not be attacked, Rabbah, the capital, and all the daughter cities would be burned with fire. The people would flee in confusion, running to and from within the walls of their fortified cities that were to be destroyed.
Molek, the national god of the Ammonites, would be taken into captivity in the minds of the priests who would go into captivity. There would be no one who would come to the rescue of the Ammonites. No one would make an effort to save her.
Though Heshbon was actually in Moab, Ammon was evidently attacked first, with Ammonite refugees fleeing to her relative city of Heshbon. Genesis 19:37-38.
Edom was probably the best-protected nation on earth when Jeremiah prophesied against it. It was located on the rocky vastness of Mount Seir. I have never seen it, but I am told that even today it is a truly majestic view. It didn’t seem possible that any nation could conquer it, it was such a good stronghold. But no nation can protect itself against the power of God.
The little book of Obadiah talks about Edom. Obadiah wrote in the 9th century, about 200 years before Jeremiah prophesied, so Jeremiah would have been familiar with what Obadiah had written.
‘Like a lion coming up from Jordan’s thickets,’ Babylon is coming to get you, Edom. They are coming with the strength of a lion.
Some scholars question whether Nebuchadnezzar ever came against the Edomites.
Josephus says, ‘In the fifth year after the destruction of Jerusalem, which was the twenty-third of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, he made an expedition against Celesyria, and when he had possessed himself of it, he made war against the Ammonites and the Moabites, and when he had brought all these nations under subjection, he fell upon Egypt and overthrew it, slew their king, and set up another in his place, and took those Jews that were there (the ones who were led away after the death of Gedaliah) captive.’
Ah, you say, Edom isn’t mentioned by Josephus. That is true, but he also says, ‘he had brought all these nations under subjection’.
‘All these nations’ would have included Edom. The complete fulfilment of the prophecy against Edom wasn’t completed at that time. It may have begun about five years after the fall of Jerusalem, but their destruction continued with Alexander the Great, and that would have been in the 4th century B.C.
Remember that Herod was an Edomite and it was the dynasty of that Herod that:
1. Slaughtered the children.
2. Mocked Jesus.
3. Murdered John the Baptist.
4. Murdered James the apostle.
5. Imprisoned Peter etc.
Coffman says, ‘The Herods precipitated the final and total judgment against Edom in the Jewish war that resulted in their being exterminated by Vespasian and Titus in 70 A.D. following the sack of Jerusalem.’
As the descendants of Esau, the Edomites were the perpetual enemies of the Israelites since the days they came out of Egyptian captivity. The Edomites were not wise because they dared to afflict the people of God.
God warns the Dedanites to flee from the surrounding area of Edom, lest His destruction that He is bringing on Edom affect them. There would also be a warning in this message that the Dedanites not become involved in the affairs of Edom, especially in making an alliance against them.
Since the fathers would be killed in battle, God would take care of their children by raising up a new generation that respected the one true and living God. Bozrah, the capital of Edom would be destroyed, and subsequently, all the cities of Edom would be laid waste and not be rebuilt.
See Obadiah 1-4. The Edomites took pride in the fact that they were a fierce people. But they had deceived themselves into thinking that they were invincible. The city of Petra was built in a gorge of mountains and thus was easily defended. It was almost impenetrable.
Though Edom thought that no army could penetrate her natural defences, God would bring her down. Her overconfidence in her natural defences would lead her to be unprepared, and thus vulnerable to destruction.
God makes no promise of a surviving remnant of the Edomites. As an independent nation, she would go out of existence. The nation would be laid waste as Sodom and Gomorrah. Jeremiah’s picture of the fall of Edom is a horrific description of a proud and arrogant nation coming to a close.
The more the nation had exalted herself, the greater the judgment that God would bring down upon the people. The outcry of the inhabitants would be so great that it would be heard as far west as the Red Sea, her border with Egypt. Her mighty warriors would cry out in pain like a woman giving birth.
There is nothing in this prophecy that says that Damascus will be laid waste, or without any inhabitants. Even today Damascus is a throbbing city. It has a population of thousands. This is marvellous evidence that these are the words of God and not the words of men. Ah, you might say, Damascus was on a river, true, but so were Nineveh and Babylon.
The capital city of Damascus is used by Jeremiah to refer to the nation of Syria. These were the Armenian people. Syria fell to the Assyrian invasion in 732 B.C. Before this date, the nation was a continual threat against the people of God, 1 Kings 15:18-21 / 1 Kings 20:1-21 / 1 Kings 22:3 / 2 Kings 16:5-6 / Isaiah 7:1-16.
Damascus was a famous city of the Near East, but unfortunately, it was located as the northern gateway for the Assyrian, Babylonian and Medo-Persian empires as they moved to control the Fertile Crescent, Palestine and Egypt.
The message here announces the fall of her young men who have died in her streets. She was made to drink from the cup of God’s wrath. Ben-Hadad was the name of several of her kings, 1 Kings 15:18-20 / 2 Kings 13:24.
Little is known about Kedar and Hazor. It talks about their tents, camels, flocks, so presumably, they lived in the desert. This prophecy is believed to have taken place about 599 B.C. when the king of Babylon sent out various companies to scour the desert. They also took much plunder from them, as verse 29 says will happen they took their possessions, their animals and their gods.
These two cities probably represent the Arabian tribes to the east of Palestine and Edom, Genesis 25:13 / Isaiah 21:16-17 / Ezekiel 27:21. The one who would destroy and control this area would be Nebuchadnezzar who would be expanding the Babylonian Empire.
Since the people of these areas were primarily nomadic, the cities that they had constructed were not fortified against invasions. They were thus easily defeated, and the people scattered.
In this message of judgment, it is stated that Nebuchadnezzar plundered their herds and flocks in order to maintain his army in his continued conquest of the Near East.
Instead of representing a specific city or town, this reference to Hazor is possibly to a seminomadic people of wealth in the desert. Their wealth was in their herds and flocks, and thus their devastation was the plundering of their herds and flocks by the Babylonian army.
Elam was an old kingdom that was mentioned way back in Genesis, Genesis 14:1. It was believed to be about 200 miles east of Babylon. Verse 34 tells us that this prophecy was made in the early years of Zedekiah the king, which would be around 598 B.C.
Some scholars believe that at the time of this prophecy the Elamites were threatening Babylon, and the Jews were hoping that the Elamites would overthrow the Babylonians. There is no way of knowing, but, if it were true, this prophecy could have been made to show that there was no power, at that time, that could overthrow the Babylonians.
‘I will set my throne in Elam.’ This would have happened when Nebuchadnezzar set up his throne in Media, which Elam is a part of. Look at Jeremiah 43:10 for an example of how Nebuchadnezzar set up his throne in a country that he had conquered. Here is a similar thing to what happened then.