God and the prophet’s lament over the lost, this chapter is a Lament for a Fallen Nation. The lament is not only applicable to God’s people, but the words are just as appropriate to millions in today’s world, who have forsaken their first love, and chosen to wallow in sexual pleasures, rather than to live the true standards of God.
At the beginning of the chapter, God pours out His heart. His sorrow is too deep for words. Ellicott says, ‘who will give my head waters,’ it was the type of sorrow where you cannot cry anymore because you have exhausted all of your tears. There is an ache inside, but God had no more tears to cry. Why? Because of the sentence on the people. And also on the cities and the country itself.
Jeremiah had already wept as much as was possible for him to weep. Here he expressed a wish for the ability to weep even more. The people spoke falsely, slander. Evil came from their mouths. Jeremiah used the metaphor of a bow and arrows to describe it. The bow and arrow were weapons of war in that age. Jeremiah says that they ‘shoot lies’, like arrows, with their tongue.
Lying, deceit, treachery, adultery, and idolatry. They were the everyday sins in Judah. The people had literally worn themselves out with sinning! Such excess of perversions can weaken the body.
The Jews were just like the rest of humanity no better and no worse. So, why was God disgusted with them? Because of their relationship with God. He had given them the Law of Moses. He had taught them the principles of truth and morality. He had every right to expect more from them than from other nations. The weeping referred to here was because of the desolation that was coming to Jerusalem and Judah.
The mountains, once teeming with life, the desert pastures, which once supported herds of sheep and cattle, all of this was to be destroyed. This would include the Holy City.
‘I will lay waste the towns of Judah so that no one can live there.’
God gives His reasons here, they had revolted against the Law, they not only disobeyed God, but they took up arms against Him, with their hands they made idols from wood and stone and worshipped them! They worshipped cults, they wallowed in the vulgar, sensuous rites of foreign religions. It was for all of these things that God would destroy them, and send the remnant into captivity, from which most of them would never return. In verse 15 the RSV says ‘wormwood’, this is a bitter desert plant. The NIV says ‘eat bitter food.’
God was sad because of the sentence He had to make on His people, and because of the suffering that His people were going through. Let the women cry with us ‘till our eyes overflow with tears and water streams from our eyelids.’
The women lament. No longer are they happy because of their easy life. Even the daughters are taught to cry. And also, because death has come to EVERY household.
Some scholars claim that this is a description ‘after the event’. So, had this event already happened, or was it something Jeremiah was prophesying for the future? Why would Jeremiah say, at the end of verse 20, ‘teach your daughters how to wail’, if it had already happened? We learn from the Minor Prophets, in particular in Micah, that these great predictive prophesies of the Old Testament carry their own built-in proof of authenticity, and this is another example of the same thing.
The knowledge of God and His way of salvation is preferred above all the honours, power, riches and achievements of mankind. Three important words come to mind as I read this verse, ‘Know the Lord’ God says here, ‘Let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for on these I delight.’
The only proper ground for anyone’s glorying is in the right relationship with God. ‘Know the Lord’, an excellent title for a sermon.
God is not a respecter of persons. Therefore, being a Jew was no guarantee that one would be treated with greater respect in judgment. The Jews, therefore, had no advantage over the Gentiles when it came to the judgment of God.
The most important thing to remember is obedience to the word of God, 1 Corinthians 7:19. If one does not obey God, whether he is circumcised or uncircumcised, he will suffer the judgment of God.
In reference to Judah, the meaning is that religious ceremonies of the law do not give one an advantage over the Gentiles to whom the ceremonies were not given. God judges according to our hearts, not according to our performance of religious ceremonies.