The NIV heads this chapter, ‘Jerusalem under siege’. Other authors head it ‘Destruction from the North’ or ‘Destruction of Jerusalem’. There is very little in the chapter that requires any extensive research. It’s the same repetition of remorse, reminders and rejection.
God makes it perfectly clear why it was required to punish and destroy His people. Jerusalem was producing nothing but wickedness, and violent oppression, Jeremiah 6:7. They wouldn’t hear the word of God. Jeremiah 6:10. All of them dealt falsely, Jeremiah 6:13. They loved their false prophets who cried, Peace, peace when there was no peace, Jeremiah 6:14. They refused to be ashamed of their sins. Jeremiah 6:15. They even claimed, ‘We will not listen to God.’ Jeremiah 6:17
Their thoughts were evil, and they rejected God’s Law, Jeremiah 6:19. Their insincere offerings were not acceptable by God, Jeremiah 6:21. They had become a revolting nation, all of them habitual slanderers, Jeremiah 6:28. God’s patience ran out, He rejected them and consigned them to destruction and captivity, Jeremiah 6:30.
The reason Benjamin is mentioned is because Jerusalem, geographically, belonged to the territory of Benjamin. In Jeremiah 4:6 they were warned to flee ‘to Jerusalem’.
Now they are warned to ‘get out of Jerusalem’. The capital of Judah is doomed to destruction. Blow the trumpet.
This is almost parabolic. Judah is a beautiful delicate woman, needing protection. But she doesn’t want it. So, the army will come like shepherds. The army of those days usually pitched its tents and rested from the journey for a day, talking over old battles. But this army was keen to go in, at noon. They seem anxious to get into battle.
A reminder of her ways. God is in control. The suggested plan of attack was very common for that day. Cut down trees and build siege ramps to use against Jerusalem. The destruction of Its daughter is coming. There will be violence in the streets.
This doesn’t refer to fruit trees. They would be needed to feed the besieging army. But all of the other trees would have been needed to build towers, for overlooking the city, and presumably for other fortifications, as already mentioned. If God hadn’t intervened, what would the outcome have been today? Perhaps He did them a favour! Though they wouldn’t have thought so at the time. God is going to depart.
A reminder of the refusal to heed all of the various warnings given. We have the picture of a wine dresser. There will be no grapes left on the vines. The destruction will be total. It will affect all of the children, the young men, the old, etc. No one will escape, everyone will suffer. Houses, fields, wives, everything will become booty for the invaders. What a horrible destruction.
Again, a reminder of how it happened. Things have gone from bad to worse. Materialism was always a problem then, and always will be.
Jeremiah 6:16 is a rich passage.
Judah was to be a diamond in the midst of rocks. But what a sad end to the story. Stand and seek. Select the good Ground and walk in it. It is not just any old path, it’s the good way. Walk in it. Here is a challenge for all of us, ‘Stand at the crossroads and look’.
Look and see and ask. How stupid it is when men go through life without a thoughtful, careful examination of the way that they have chosen.
‘Ask for the ancient paths’. The ancient paths were the ways of faith, devotion and honour of the one true God. These were revealed to God’s people in the Pentateuch. Today the ‘good way’ is found for us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a call for action here. It’s not enough to know about the ‘good way’, they need to ‘walk in it’.
Those who walk in the good way will find rest for their souls. Jesus identified Himself in this good way in what we call the Great Invitation in Matthew 11:28-30.
Paul tells us how to walk in Ephesians.
Once you walked in transgression and sins, following the course of this world, Ephesians 2:1.
We were created for good work and ‘we should walk in them,’ Ephesians 2:10.
Walk in love. Ephesians 5:1.
Walk as children of light, Ephesians 5:7-10.
Look carefully how you walk, Ephesians 5:15.
Read also Ephesians 4:1-3 and Ephesians 4:17-24.
If we did this, we would have satisfaction for our souls. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’
Back in Jeremiah 6:16, how sad this is. All that they had in the past. All they could have had then and in the future, but they will not walk in God’s ways.
The solemn invitation is to the whole Gentile world, as well as the whole earth to hear what God will do needs some special understanding. It’s the promise of God to ‘bring evil against His own people.’ After the captivity of the Jews, they never again enjoyed the status of being the wife of God.
All of the promises of Abraham would afterwards be fulfilled in Christ Jesus. However, no Jews were ever rejected, just because of their race. But he would never again be automatically a member of the new covenant on account of his race.
God wasn’t against the sacrifices He asked for, but He was against the way these sacrifices were being offered. Sacrifices from habitual sinners, insincere and hypocritical worshippers were an abomination to God and therefore, not acceptable to Him.
Repetition, repetition and more repetition. An external force and the slaughter will be cruel, and no mercy will be shown. Why should there be? No pity will be given. Stumbling blocks on which they will fall. Internal fear. You get the idea from Jeremiah 6:24 that the people are frightening themselves with the stories of this oncoming army. Stay in the city, it’s safe, so they thought! No one can hide from or escape the wrath of God. They always think they are safe in the city.
The Babylonians were cruel invaders but perhaps not quite as terrible as the Assyrians. Some people believe that Judah’s deliverance through the Babylonians was an element of mercy on God’s part but both invasions were terrible. It was the custom of the Jewish people to put ashes on their heads but to ‘roll in ashes’ refers to something more than ordinary grief.
They should have been like gold but like bronze and iron, they are all mixed up. Even with God ‘refining’, it did no good. Malachi 3:1-3 speaks of the refining fire that gets everything pure. This is what God wanted for Judah.