In the previous chapter, Peter warned his readers to be careful regarding false teachers. And one of those warnings was about the damage these false teachers can do especially within our assemblies.
In this chapter, Peter warns them about another group of people who can cause damage, but not so much on the inside but the outside.
Notice, Peter calls them beloved, which is a term of endearment and it’s a word he will use again in this chapter, 2 Peter 3:2 / 2 Peter 3:14-15 / 2 Peter 3:17.
Peter wanted to remind them to think about both letters he sent to them to stimulate wholesome thinking in them, 2 Peter 3:1. He wants to get their minds focused on the words of the prophets and the the command given by our Lord and Saviour through your apostles, 2 Peter 3:2.
When we as Christians face ridicule about Jesus’ return, we need to remember Jesus’ promise that He will certainly return, John 14:1-3 / Acts 1:9-11.
Peter says the first thing we need to remember is that Christians should expect mockers, 2 Peter 3:3. He says when we get people coming up to us and having a go about our faith concerning Jesus’ return, just remember. Remember the words spoken before the holy prophets, remember the commandment of the apostles of the Lord and Saviour, 2 Peter 3:2.
In other words, when these people come up to us and start mocking us because of our faith, just remember that what God says is going to happen, will happen, 2 Peter 3:2.
Whether He spoke through His prophets or spoke through His apostles, God’s Word is sure, 2 Peter 3:2. And when God’s Word says that unbelievers will come and ridicule us, you can be sure that they will and in that way it shouldn’t come as a surprise to us.
And when are we to expect these mockers? Peter says, in the last days, 2 Peter 3:3.
There is so much going on in the ‘religious world’ concerning the last days, people are looking for signs and wonders to prove we’re in the last days, there are wars and there are terrors that all point to the end of the world. I wonder what the Bible actually teaches concerning ‘the last days’, I think you’ll find it fairly straightforward.
Notice how the Hebrew writer begins, he writes as a matter of fact. There’s no doubt or question about the existence of God, he simply says, ‘in the past God’, Hebrews 1:1.
We find a similar style of writing in Genesis 1:1, ‘In the beginning God.’ Again, ‘In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,’ John 1:1.
And notice again that there’s no doubt or question about the existence of God in these authors’ minds. In other words, the Bible never sets out to argue for the existence of God, it’s taken as a matter of fact that God is, God exists.
And because the writer says, ‘at many times and in various ways’, Hebrews 1:1-2, this actually implies that God had more to say. In other words, each prophet didn’t carry the final message. The whole truth wasn’t out yet, God’s revelation wasn’t complete yet.
We know that God first spoke directly to the patriarchs, and then God spoke through the written law. Then God spoke in dreams and visions and God also spoke through the prophets. But God wasn’t done revealing His word yet.
And I use the word ‘but’ because that’s the word the writer of this letter uses, Hebrews 1:2. And he uses that word to emphasise the contrast between how God spoke and revealed His Word to mankind in the past and how He revealed His complete and final revelation in Jesus. He says, ‘but in these last days’, Hebrews 1:2, which is obviously a Messianic reference.
Now there are times when I get a knock at the door and there are usually two very polite religious people telling me how bad the world is today and how Jesus is coming soon because we are living in the last days. They bring to my attention all the wars and famines which are happening throughout the world and try to convince me that these are all ‘signs’ that we’re living in the last days.
But the truth is, we’ve been living in the last days ever since the arrival of Jesus. The last days are the days of the Messiah, not the end of the world. Several centuries before the birth of Christ, the prophet Joel in Joel 2:28-29 foretold that the Spirit of God would be ‘poured out’ in the ‘last days’.
When Peter preached the first Gospel message to the Jews in Acts 2 he says, ‘And in the last days it will be,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams,’ Acts 2:17.
Peter quotes from Joel 2, and notice how he describes the days in which they were living at that point in time. He describes them at ‘that point in time’ as living in ‘the last days’, Acts 2:17.
Countless sermons have been preached, and thousands of books have been sold which all try tell to tell us that certain things are happening in the world today and they tell us these are all ‘signs’ that Jesus is about to return. And so, they go out on the streets preaching and they have these posters which say, ‘the end is near, we’re in the last days.’
People have been proclaiming the end of the world since 66 A.D. Simon bar Giora who was a member of a Jewish sect was the first to predict the end of the world.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have tried to predict the end of the world at least 3 times. Most recently Harold Camping tried to predict the end of the world twice.
And did you know that there are around thirteen different new predictions for the end of the world coming up in the next few years? All of these predictions past and present have claimed the signs are there, to warn us we’re living in the last days.
Well, of course, we’re in the last days, and we’ve been there for the last two thousand years. Look at what Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy, ‘There will be terrible times in the last days’, 2 Timothy 3:1. And then Paul lists a whole bunch of non-Christ like attitudes but look at what he tells Timothy later, ‘Have nothing to do with such people,’ 2 Timothy 3:5.
This is present tense and has nothing to do with those people who were around at that time. That in itself, tells us that Timothy was living in ‘the last days’.
When Peter is talking about the Christ, he says, ‘He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake’, 1 Peter 1:20. Was Jesus around during the time of the Apostle Peter? Of course, He was. Peter understood he was living in the last times.
Jesus uses a similar kind of language in Matthew 24:1-35. Now, remember the disciples have come to Jesus privately to ask Him ‘what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’ Matthew 24:3.
And so, Jesus is answering their questions. Jesus says, ‘How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!’ Matthew 24:19. He uses the words ‘those days’ throughout this text when He’s describing the destruction of Jerusalem.
But when we carry on reading from Matthew 24:36, through to Matthew 26:46, He uses the words ‘that day’ to describe what will happen at the end of the world.
Do you see how His words are more specific? If we were studying the topic of ‘the end of the world’ that’s one of the texts we would go to. But we’re not studying that today, we’re studying the topic of ‘the last days’ which isn’t something still to come.
‘The last days’ were then, as the prophets looked forward to the time by speaking of ‘in those days and at that time.’ If the world continues for another thousand years, we would still be in the last days.
And so, God formerly spoke through the prophets at many times and in many ways, but in these ‘last days’, He has spoken to us by His Son, Hebrews 1:1-2.
Peter says when these scoffers come along, the real motivation behind it all is because they are walking according to their own lusts, 2 Peter 3:3. In other words, most people know that when we talk about Jesus’ return, we’re talking about judgment. And so what these people do is make fun of us, why? Because it soothes their guilty consciences, 2 Peter 3:3.
Peter says the biggest argument that these people will use is that everything continues as it always has, 2 Peter 3:4.
Coffman, in his commentary, says the following.
‘As the centuries pass away, this objection recurs repeatedly, with greater and greater intensity. The central thesis of Christianity is the Second Coming of Christ in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment, the Lord’s Supper itself being oriented absolutely to that future event. Peter here foretold the ultimate mockery with which unbelievers and apostates would receive such doctrine, there being in all probability at the time he wrote outcroppings of the same thing.’
Green, in his commentary, says the following, concerning 2 Peter 3:4.
‘It is not said that things continue as they were from the coming of Christ, but from the beginning of the creation.’
How are we going to answer these critics? Remember what Peter has just told us, he told us to remember what the holy prophets and apostles have said, 2 Peter 3:2. Remember that God’s Word is true and consistent.
Whilst we are remembering God’s Word, these scoffers are forgetting, these scoffers have forgotten about the flood. They forgot it was God who created who created the heavens, Genesis 1:1, and they forget that it was God who formed the waters during creation, 2 Peter 3:5 / Genesis 1:6-10.
Many people disregard the Old Testament and forget the many stories within them but as Christians, we need to remember what other people forget or disregard, we are to remember because it gives us the big picture.
And so Peter says these scoffers forget, but not just forget, they wilfully forget, 2 Peter 3:5. In other words, they purposefully choose not to remember an event that proves their argument wrong. They aren’t interested in determining truth, they like many other people, are actually trying to justify their lifestyle.
Many people today conveniently ignore the evidence because they know the evidence would weaken their case, that’s why they ridicule Christians, rather than deal with it fairly and seriously. But Peter says the flood is evidence of the certainty of God’s Word, Genesis 6:9-9:17. What happened with Sodom and Gomorrah is evidence of the certainty of God’s word, 2 Peter 2:5-6.
Peter says by God’s Word, that the world was once destroyed by water, 2 Peter 3:6 / Genesis 6:9-9:17. And he says the same Word that promised and carried through with the promise about the flood, is the Word that promises and will carry through about the Lord’s coming and the fire to accompany it, 2 Peter 3:7.
Strachan, in his commentary, says the following.
‘The writer means that both the rainbow promise and the delay are not to be regarded as implying that there will be no more great cosmic changes. The heaven and the earth are reserved for destruction by fire.’
In other words, since God kept His first promise to destroy the world with water, we can expect Him to keep His present promise as well.
These scoffers may come along and say, ‘yes but, it has been so long since that promise was made,’ 2 Peter 3:8. And in one sense they might be right, it has been just over two thousand years since the promise of the Lord’s return but to answer that question we need to remember something else, we need to remember that God is not affected by time.
We all know that our time on earth is short, we all know that time dominates our lives every day whether we like it or not. But God is not man and He is not controlled by time as we understand it.
Peter says with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, 2 Peter 3:8. Sadly this is one of those passages which has been used and abused and taken out of context over the years.
Some people have homed in on this verse to make it mean something it was never meant to mean but Peter is simply reminding us that time is irrelevant to God.
And so while it may have been just over two thousand years since this promise of Jesus’ return, to God that is no different from two days, Psalm 90:4. In other words, another two thousand years could pass, and God’s Word would not be weakened at all.
Since God kept His promise about the first coming of Christ, Genesis 3:15, we can expect Him to fulfil the promise of His Son’s return. No one knows when Christ is coming back, Acts 1:7.
We must remember God’s Word is sure, we must remember God is not governed by time and finally, Peter says there is one more thing we need to remember, remember that God is patient.
Peter says these mockers believe that the Lord is slow concerning His promise, 2 Peter 3:9. It has been just over two thousand years since the promise was made. However, while some people may think that the Lord is slow in coming back, we can be sure that He is slow for a reason.
Peter says, ‘He is patient with us not wanting anybody to perish’, 2 Peter 3:9. Although God is a just God, He is also a merciful and loving God. While God’s justice requires judgment and the eternal punishment of all the ungodly, God’s love and mercy are willing to give them time to repent.
This explains the Lord’s delay in returning. He has given every generation that has lived during the last two thousand years’ time to repent. And in that way He has been patient with everyone, He’s is hoping that people will repent, 2 Peter 3:9.
Peter says to remember God’s Word is sure, remember God is not governed by time and remember that God is patient with us and He wants those who aren’t Christians to come to Him today.
Peter now goes ahead and speaks about what will actually happen when our Lord Jesus finally does come back.
The day when Jesus returns, Peter calls the day of the Lord, 2 Peter 3:10. Some believe that the coming of Christ and the day of the Lord are actually two separate events. They believe that the coming of Christ is a secret coming in which He will rapture His saints. And they believe that the day of the Lord is the final Day of Judgment which occurs much later.
But if those who believe this would actually take the time to read the text, they would soon discover that both Peter and Paul use these expressions interchangeably. Paul describes the coming of the Lord and its implications for the righteous, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
But then the apostle Paul calls it the day of the Lord as he is discussing the timings of these events, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4. And so, the coming of the Lord and the Day of the Lord is one in the same thing. Luke simply tells us that Jesus will return in the same way they saw Him go up into heaven, Acts 1:9-11.
We all know how most thieves work, they usually wait until late at night to break into someone’s house and nobody goes to bed expecting to be burgled. Peter says for a lot of people, Jesus’ return is going to happen in the same way they are just not expecting it, 2 Peter 3:10. Paul tells us the same thing, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.
Peter tells us about the Lord’s return and says, it will be unexpected, without warning. Paul says as Christians we don’t need to know the date and time of His return, but as Christians, we should be ready for His return. Paul says the day of the Lord should not overtake you like a thief would, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6.
In other words, we should be ready for His return not because we know the day or hour of His coming, not because of any so-called revelation that pinpoints the time of His coming. But we should be ready for His return because as Christians we’re told to stay alert.
We always need to remember that Jesus is coming back one day and until then we need to remain faithful to His word and repent when necessary, Revelation 3:1-3. Because if we don’t, then the Lord will indeed come upon us as a thief in the night, 2 Peter 3:10 / Matthew 24:43 / Revelation 3:3 / Revelation 16:15.
The second thing which Peter tells us concerning the Lord’s return is that it will be catastrophic.
When we read Peter’s words in 2 Peter 3:10, do they sound like a ‘secret silent’ return of Jesus? Peter is not talking about some fiery purification process of the earth as some believe. He is talking about what can only be described as the total destruction of the whole universe.
The sun, moon and the stars are going to melt because of a great heat, 2 Peter 3:10. And that word ‘melt’, is the Greek word ‘luo’, which means to break up, destroy, or dissolve as the other verses translate it. Peter says all these things will be dissolved, the heavens will be dissolved from being on fire.
Reicke, in his commentary, says the following.
‘The solar system and the great galaxies, even space-time relationships, will be abolished. All elements which make up the physical world will be dissolved by heat and utterly melt away. It is a picture which in an astonishing degree corresponds to what might actually happen according to modern theories of the physical universe.’
If we believe in God and trust that, that great day is coming, what do we do in the meantime? Peter says the very fact that we believe that Jesus the Christ is going to return should inspire us all to live right for God, 2 Peter 3:11. Jesus’ return should encourage us to live holy lives and strive for godliness.
All our wealth, all our fame and all our physical relationship are going to be dissolved when Jesus returns. The only thing that has the promise of the life to come is godliness, 1 Timothy 4:8.
Peter says Jesus’ return should encourage us to live holy lives and he says we should be looking forward to and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, 2 Peter 3:11-12.
The apostle Paul didn’t have any problem in wanting the Lord to come, 1 Corinthians 16:22, and the apostle Peter Himself had no problem in asking the Lord to come, Acts 3:19-20.
The word ‘melt’ used in 1 Peter 3:12, is the Greek word ‘teko’ which means to liquefy. In other words, the universe is going to be totally destroyed, now look what Peter says will happen to the Earth, he uses words like, ‘pass away, melt, and dissolve’, 1 Peter 3:12.
Peter says when it comes we will know it has come because the world as we know it will be non-existent. For some people this is frightening and so it should be, but not for the Christian.
Peter says when everything in the universe has been totally destroyed, this will actually usher in a new order. He says there will be a new heavens and a new earth in which the righteousness will live, 2 Peter 3:13.
There are many theories about the phrase, ‘new heavens and a new earth’, but probably the most common theory is that the phrase means that the present Earth is going to undergo some kind of renovation, some kind of cleaning process using fire, so that it becomes like it was in the beginning when God created it and so, it will become our new heaven. The problem is, that this theory doesn’t correspond with what the Scriptures actually teach.
This present earth is to pass away. Notice the following Scriptures, Matthew 24:35 / Hebrews 1:10-12 / 2 Peter 3:10-12. Our eternal dwelling place is heaven, 1 Peter 1:3-4.
When it comes to understanding any Scripture, we must always keep the text in its context. With this in mind, let’s go to the Scriptures where we first find the phrase, ‘new heavens and a new earth.’
The apostle Peter declared by inspiration that all the Old Testament prophecies pertaining to Christ are fulfilled in the present age, Acts 3:19-26, which is the last days, Acts 2:16-17, or last age, 1 Corinthians 10:11, that is the age when God speaks through His Son, Hebrews 1:1-2.
Now some people object to these truths by pointing to Isaiah’s prophecy of ‘new heavens and a new earth’, Isaiah 65:17, and argue that these prophecies haven’t been fulfilled. I guess we need to ask the question, what is this ‘new heavens and a new earth’? Has this prophecy of Isaiah been fulfilled or not?
Notice that Isaiah twice foretold the ‘new heavens and a new earth’, Isaiah 65:17 / Isaiah 66:22, the apostle Peter did so too, 2 Peter 3:13, and so did the apostle John, Revelation 21:1.
But what do they mean when they use this phrase? Let’s take a moment to go through each one whilst keeping each one in its context.
The apostle Paul quotes Isaiah 65:1-2, the beginning of the context, and applies them to the present age, Romans 10:20-21. Notice how Isaiah’s prophecy ends, Isaiah 65:25. The words, ‘my holy mountain’, Isaiah 65:25, are a clue that identifies the time and nature of the fulfilment.
The prophecy of the Lord’s ‘holy mountain’ relates to the first coming of Christ, Isaiah 11:1-2 / Isaiah 11:9 / Isaiah 61:1-2 / Luke 4:16-21, and is a figurative term for the rule of Christ in His church, His kingdom, Isaiah 2:1-4 / Hebrews 12:22-23 / Hebrews 12:28. The nature of this kingdom is spiritual rather than material, John 18:36 / Romans 14:17.
In other words, ‘the new heavens and a new earth’ of Isaiah 65:17, is the present divine order under the rule of Christ and the spiritual dwelling place for the people of God, the church.
In Isaiah 66:22, Isaiah refers to this same ‘new heavens and the new earth’. The context here is a prophecy of Christ coming into the world and establishing His church, Isaiah 66:7-9 / Micah 5:2-3 / Revelation 12:1-11.
In other words, Isaiah 66:22, is a continuation of the promise of Isaiah 65:17, and likewise relates to the present rule of Christ over His kingdom, the church.
In 2 Peter 3:13, is in a totally different context, Peter is warning against scoffers who deny that Christ will come again, 2 Peter 3:1-4. And so, he assures us that the promise of the Lord’s return will be fulfilled, 2 Peter 3:5-9, at which time ‘the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up,’ 2 Peter 3:10.
But notice there is nothing in the passage or even the context for that matter which indicates Peter is speaking figuratively, therefore we should take the warning literally. This present universe is destined for sudden, fiery, divine destruction. This shouldn’t worry the Christians because of Peter says in 2 Peter 3:13.
In other words, in harmony with the meaning of the phrase ‘new heavens and a new earth,’ we await a new order of things and a new dwelling place. This is a home in heaven, 1 Peter 1:3-5, in which we will have glorious, immortal, spiritual bodies like that of the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 / 1 John 3:2.
John likewise saw in a vision this new order of things after the return of the Lord in which the death, sickness, pain, suffering, and sorrow of this present age shall have passed away and God once more dwells with His people and this for all eternity, Revelation 21:1-5.
Common sense tells us that if the Christian is promised ‘heaven’ which is our final dwelling place, and yet we’re also promised a ‘new heavens and a new earth,’ this tells us that the ‘new heavens and new earth’ represent the same state as heaven.
All the Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ, most of which were both figurative and spiritual, are indeed fulfilled in the New Testament age. The ‘new heavens and a new earth’ of Isaiah are the rule of Christ over His spiritual kingdom, His church.
So, what does the phrase mean in the New Testament? It simply means, its symbolic of heaven itself, nothing more, nothing less. There are yet ‘new heavens and a new earth’ in store for Christians at the Lord’s return, it will be a wonderful home in heaven where everlasting joy awaits. No wonder John writes, ‘Amen. Come, Lord Jesus,’ Revelation 22:20.
The new heavens and a new Earth are something that the early Christians looked forward to, Hebrews 13:14. This new heavens and new Earth which Peter is talking about is the ultimate destination for Christians. We look forward to this new heavens and the new earth because of God’s promise.
Peter says no one knows the date and time of Jesus’ return but when it happens, it’s going to be catastrophic. Everything will be totally destroyed and then we will go to live eternally in the place which God has prepared for His people.
And he says we can be sure that’s going to happen because God said it’s going to happen. And so, as Peter draws his letter to a close, it is evident that he is filled with love toward his brethren.
Notice that he calls them ‘beloved’ again, 2 Peter 3:14 / 2 Peter 3:1 / 2 Peter 3:8, and in the text where he uses this term of endearment twice, once and later he will use it again, 2 Peter 3:18. And it’s with this love which Peter has in his heart for his brethren, he writes his final words.
And I say his final words because remember he has already told us that he is about to die, 2 Peter 1:14, and as far as we know Peter didn’t write any other letters after this one.
As we mentioned earlier, the words of a dying man can be the very thing that will last forever. And as just as the final words of any dying person are significant, we know that they can reveal what is of greatest concern to that person.
So what is Peter concerned about? What is Peter going to write to the very people whom he dearly loved? Notice he uses the word ‘diligence’, some translations use the words, ‘make every effort’, 2 Peter 3:14. Peter has already used the word ‘diligence’, which means earnestness. He used it when he was encouraging us to earnestly grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ, 2 Peter 1:5 / 2 Peter 1:10.
But here he uses the word ‘diligence’, to encourage us to earnestly look for peace whilst we’re waiting for the Lord’s return, 2 Peter 3:14. Peter says when Jesus returns He should find us in peace, without blemish and blameless, 2 Peter 3:14 / Luke 18:8. When he talks about peace, he can be talking about our relationship with God or he can be talking about our relationship with our fellow man or he can be talking about both.
Whatever Peter has in mind the point is, when we as Christians focus on being at peace with God, then God will help us to be at peace with our fellow man, Proverbs 16:7.
We’ve all got our faults, spots and blemishes but how on earth can we be without blemish and blameless? It’s certainly not because of anything we have done but because of what Someone else has done.
In the eyes of God, we are without blemish and blameless only because of the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:14 / Ephesians 5:25-27 / 1 Peter 1:19. Jesus was the One who redeemed us from sin through His precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, 1 Peter 1:18-19 / Philippians 3:5-6.
If we continue to follow God’s ways, if we continue to confess our sins to Him then the blood of Jesus will come to wash us clean, 1 John 1:7-9. So whilst we’re continually being washed, we’re continually going to be found without blemish and blameless in God’s eyes.
Peter says to remember the patience of the Lord is salvation, 2 Peter 3:15. He has already reminded us that time is irrelevant to God, 2 Peter 3:8, and he has also reminded us that God is patient in His return because He wants others to come to Him in repentance, 2 Peter 3:9. The apostle Paul says the same thing, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2.
Now it’s interesting that Peter mentions the apostle Paul in these verses, 2 Peter 3:15. Remember that Peter himself took advantage of God’s patience for him to repent after he denied Jesus three times, Luke 22:54-62, and we find the apostle Paul rebuked Peter for being a hypocrite, Galatians 2:11-21.
And we can see very clearly that Peter did repent of being a hypocrite by the very fact that he calls Paul his beloved brother, 2 Peter 3:15. Peter clearly held no animosity toward his beloved brother Paul for what may have occurred at Antioch, Galatians 2:11-21.
Coffman, in his commentary, says the following, concerning 2 Peter 3:15.
‘Indeed Paul did write of longsuffering, not only as an attribute of God, but as a grace to be cultivated by Christians, and even as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Romans 2:4 / Romans 9:22 / 2 Corinthians 6:6 / Galatians 5:22 / Ephesians 4:2 / Colossians 1:11 / Colossians 3:1 / 2 Timothy 1:16 / Titus 3:10 / Titus 4:11. Which of such references had Peter read? There is actually no good reason to suppose that he had not read most of them!’
We remember God’s patience in terms of His return and we need to be careful what we do with the Scriptures. Peter says yes there are some of Paul’s writings that are hard to understand but don’t go twisting the Scriptures to our own destruction, 2 Peter 3:16.
The Bible can be a great source for much good, Hebrews 4:12 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17 / James 1:21, but they can also be abused and used to cause a lot of harm.
It’s all very well running around with a huge sword ready to do battle, Ephesians 6:16, but if we don’t know how to handle that sword properly, the chances are we’re going to hurt ourselves with it. And it’s in that way which Peter says twisting the Scriptures can lead to your own destruction, 2 Peter 3:16.
And so Peter reminds us that we need to be careful when we’re dealing with the Scriptures because if we’re not careful, we can fall and be led away by the error of those who twist the Scriptures.
What Peter says in this one verse, 2 Peter 3:17, is a total summary of what he’s been warning us about in 1 Peter 2-3. He is telling us that there is a very real danger of falling away, 1 Corinthians 10:12.
Remember he told us that these false teachers who were once true Christians are now denying the Lord who bought them, 2 Peter 2:1. He told us that these same people have now forsaken the right way and gone astray, 2 Peter 2:15.
And finally, he told us that these very same people once escaped the filthy things of the world but are now entangled again in those very things, 2 Peter 2:20. And as a result, they are now in a worse state than they were before they actually became Christians.
And what he says here in 2 Peter 3:18, is a total summary of what he is encouraging us to do in 2 Peter 1. He reminded us of the blessings which come by the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, 2 Peter 1:1-4.
He reminded us about how we can grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, 2 Peter 1:5-11. He reminded us that in order for us to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ, we constantly need to look at the witness of the apostles and the witness of the Old Testament Scriptures, 2 Peter 1:12-21.
In other words, Peter is simply saying, if we want to avoid falling away, then simply keep on growing. Grow in the grace of Jesus Christ, by appreciating and living with and in God’s unmerited favour, 2 Peter 3:18.
Remember growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ isn’t just about intellectual knowledge, it’s more than that. Growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ means to live as Jesus lived, behave as Jesus behaved, and speak as Jesus spoke. Handle difficult times as Jesus did, and trust in our heavenly Father like Jesus did.
Growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ will not only help us from falling away, but it will also ultimately help us to give glory to Him both now and forever, 2 Peter 3:18.
Macknight, in his commentary, says the following concerning the words, ‘for now and ever more.
‘The literal meaning of the words thus rendered is, ‘until the day of eternity.’ ‘This teaches that eternity is a day without any night, a real and perpetual day.’