The Generosity Of God’s Divine Power


‘His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.’ 2 Peter 1:3

The purpose of Peter’s second letter is threefold which are: to encourage Christian growth, to combat false teaching and to motivate believers to be watchful in preparation for the return of the Lord.

At the opening of the letter, Peter quickly expresses the adequacy of the resources which God has equipped His people with, by generously giving us everything we require for a godly life and this was made possible by God’s divine power.

When God sent Moses to Pharaoh in order to secure the release of His people out of Egypt, He provided everything Moses needed to accomplish the task. Moses was focusing on his lack of eloquence and his ordinary human disposition which he felt were too inadequate to confront Pharaoh, but God does not leave His people helpless.

He empowered Moses with the ability to perform some wonderful signs which were beyond man’s capabilities. God also reminded Moses that He was responsible for giving human beings their mouth, therefore He was not unaware of his physical inadequacy. God promised to send his brother, Aaron to help him and also that He will (divinely) help and teach both of them what to do.

We all know the outcome. Through God’s help, they successfully brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. In Matthew 28:20, Christ promised that He is with us always, to the very end of age.

It is therefore important for us to trust that He has provided everything we need to live as His children, pleasing Him in all things and encouraging others to follow Him. His holy Word is adequate, His grace is sufficient, the blood of His Son provides unspotted cleansing, His promises are sweet and comforting. What’s more? We have it all!

Read Exodus 3-4:15


Glorious Father, we are grateful for the blessings we have in Christ. Please help us to recognise all these resources and kindly assist us to deploy these resources to live godly lives, drawing others to You.