Jesus Asks Peter If He Loves Him


After the miraculous catch of fish, and breakfast prepared by Jesus, John 21:1-14, Jesus asks Peter if he loved Him three times.

Jesus Asks Peter If He Loves Him

‘When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again, Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:15-17


After they finished eating breakfast, Jesus speaks to Peter and ask him, ‘do you love me more than these?’ John 21:15. This has a few possible explanations.

1. That this refers to the boat, nets, fish etc., ‘more than these things’, John 21:15.

If so, it would refer to his work as a fisherman. As if Jesus said, ‘are you really willing to give up all this to follow me?’ Was Peter feeling the pull to return to his former life? There would be much in favour of this if it could be proved that Peter had decided to return to fishing as a profession.

2. That this refers to the other apostles, ‘more than these others do?’ John 21:15.

Peter had said, ‘though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away’, Matthew 26:33 / Mark 14:29 / John 13:37. In this case, the Lord is deliberately reminding him of this, He wants Peter to learn humility.

We actually have a threefold question and affirmation. Peter had denied his Lord three times, Matthew 26:69-75 / Mark 14:66-68 / Luke 22:54-62 / John 18:15-27. Just a short time ago in the presence of the enemy denied all connection with the Lord, so now in the presence of his friends, he affirms three times over that he loves the Lord, John 21:15 / John 21:16 / John 21:17.

It’s interesting that things seem to happen in threes for Peter from this point on, John 21:15-17 / Acts 10:9-16 / Acts 10:17-19. Perhaps relations between Peter and the others were difficult, perhaps it was hard for them to forget what Peter had done. He is now restored to full fellowship with his Lord and with his brethren.

Note the use of the words, ‘agapao’ and ‘phileo’ in John 21:15-17. In his first and second questions, John 21:15-16, Jesus uses the verb ‘agapao’, which means high and devoted love. Peter, every time he replies, uses the verb ‘phileo’ which means loving as a friend.

In His third question, John 21:17, Jesus uses the same word that Peter has used. Commentators are divided into two groups with this. Those who see the profound significance in the change of verb, and those who don’t.

Jesus says ‘do you love me’, ‘agapao’, love me’. Peter replies ‘you know that I love you’, ‘oidas phileo’, ‘know I love’, John 21:16.

Jesus says, ‘feed my lambs’, ‘feed my sheep’. The word ‘feed’, John 21:15 / John 21:17, is from the verb ‘bosko’, which means to supply with food, to nourish.

The word, ‘lambs’, John 21:15, is ‘arnia’, and is symbolic of young converts. The word, ‘tend’, John 21:16, is from the verb ‘poimaino’, and means to act as a shepherd, a ‘poimen’ is a shepherd, it’s the same word used in Acts 20:28 / 1 Peter 5:2.

This continues with Jesus next telling Peter to tend the little sheep, ‘look after my little sheep,’ John 21:16. In John 21:17, Peter claims that Jesus knew by experience, and He had learned that Peter loves Him, and Jesus responds ‘feed my little sheep’.

When Jesus spoke to Peter it would probably have been in Aramaic, but there must have been something implied for John to record it this way.

There could be a distinction in these words to do with love according to the will and love according to the emotion, this would be similar to what Paul expresses in Romans 7.

It’s interesting from the time Peter denied knowing Christ three times, John 18:15-27, things seem to happen in threes for Peter from that point on, John 21:15-17 / Acts 10:9-16 / Acts 10:17-19.

He had to learn that it takes humility to follow Jesus and this is a question we too must ask ourselves, are we willing to follow Jesus, no matter what? If we truly love Him, we will do everything He commanded us to do, John 14:15.