Giving Of The Ten Commandments


“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘ I will come to you in a thick cloud. I will speak to you. The people will hear me talking to you. I will do this so the people will always trust you.’ Then Moses told the Lord what the people had said.” Exodus 19:9

The Israelites finally came to the foot of Mt. Sinai to make a permanent camp. It was close to where Moses had first talked with God in the Burning Bush. God spoke to Moses and told him that He was going to make these people a Holy Nation.

Moses told the people to prepare themselves for in three days they would see God’s glory on the mountain. They were to keep any other people or animals away from the mountain while God was there.

The people followed Moses’ direction, and in three days there was lightning, thunder, and the whole mountain shook. Loud trumpets sounded, and the people were filled with fear. Then the voice of God announced that He was their Lord that brought you out of Egypt.

Then, He gave the rules that they were to follow

The Ten Commandments

1. You must not have any other gods except me.

2. You must not make for yourselves any other idols. You must not worship or serve any idol.

3. You must not use the name of the Lord your God thoughtlessly.

4. Remember to keep the Sabbath as a holy day. — must rest and worship the Lord that day?

5. Honour your Father and Mother. (You must love and obey your parents.)

6. You must not murder anyone. (You must not take the life of any person.)

7. You must not be guilty of adultery (or husbands and wives must be faithful to each other).

8. You must not steal (or take things that do not belong to you).

9. You must not tell lies about your neighbour in court.

10. You must not want to take your neighbours house (or want something that is not yours).

The people were still afraid, and wanted Moses to speak to God for them.

But Moses told them God had come in this way so they would know His power and not disobey Him. Moses took Aaron and Aaron’s sons and seventy of the wisest and oldest Israelites, and, of course, Joshua, to climb the mountain.

They got far enough up to see the glory of God and went back to camp. All but Joshua and Moses, who continued to climb the mountain. Joshua stayed on the side of the mountain, and Moses continued and disappeared into the clouds on Mt. Sinai. Moses stayed forty days and nights with God on the mountain. God gave Moses two tablets of stone on which to write the ten commandments.

The people grew weary and thought Moses was not going to return. They begged Aaron to make them a god they could see. So, they took their jewellery and gold to make a-golden calf to worship.

Moses and Joshua returning saw the golden calf and was angry and discouraged. Moses threw down the tablets of stone on which the ten commandments had been written. Those who started the calf worship were killed. Moses broke the golden calf into pieces and dust.

Moses loved these people and he went back up into the mountain to ask God to forgive them and give them another chance. God forgave them and wrote the ten commandments on tables of stone.

Moses stayed forty days this time, and when he returned his face was so bright he covered it with cloth when talking to his people.


1. Why was God angry with the Israelites?

2. Name the Ten Commandments.

3. Why did the people want Moses to talk with God again?

4. How long did he stay on the mountain?

5. What did the people do while he was away?

6. Did he again talk with God?

7. What did God give him for the people?


1. They disobeyed Him 2. 1. You must not have any other gods except me. 2. You must not make for yourselves any other idols. You must not worship or serve any idol. 3. You must not use the name of the Lord your God thoughtlessly. 4. Remember to keep the Sabbath as a holy day. — must rest and worship the Lord that day? 5. Honour your Father and Mother. 6. You must not murder anyone. 7. You must not be guilty of adultery 8. You must not steal 9. You must not tell lies about your neighbour in court. 10. You must not want to take your neighbours house 3. They were afraid 4. 40 days and nights 5. Made a god 6. Yes 7. Another chance

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