Now here’s a subject that a lot of preachers stay clear of and a lot of Christians don’t want to even think about. But whatever our views are concerning the subject, we can’t escape the fact that it’s mentioned throughout the Bible.
It all has to do with evil and sin and God’s reaction towards it, Leviticus 26:14-21. God cannot pretend He doesn’t see sin, He must move against evil and this Holy reaction is called ‘His wrath’.
But we must never avoid or water down the subject of the wrath of God because it’s serious business to God and therefore, should be taken seriously by us, Romans 2:5 / Ephesians 5:6.
Now I don’t know about you, but many people today will be offended if we preach or teach on Scriptures like that, but the reality is that God will be even more offended if we don’t, 1 Thessalonians 1:10.
God’s wrath is coming and because God is holy He must give full vent to His anger against sin and against evil. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t be the one the Seraphs call ‘Holy, Holy, Holy.’ Isaiah 6:3
And that’s why we have the cross, when God searched for a way to save sinners, He couldn’t pretend He couldn’t see sin. He can’t say, ‘It doesn’t matter; I’m just going to forget about it!’
He’s got to react in His holiness against sin and that’s called wrath. On the cross, God poured out His wrath, His just wrath against all of our sins, by placing them on His sinless Son, our substitute.
But the truth is this, God really is that holy and sin really is that big of a problem, and we cannot mute that truth to find favour with unregenerate sinners.
God’s wrath is His way of moving and acting against evil and sin.
In one word, the answer is Jesus, Romans 5:9. Through Jesus, Christians have the best life in this world, John 10:10. Through Him we can escape the horrors of hell, and, yes, it’s through our Lord that we live in hope of heaven.
While we recognise God’s wrath, we don’t live our lives in trembling fear. Why? Because Christ paid the ransom that sets us free from sin and delivers us from the wrath to come.