The introduction to the last chapter also applies to this chapter. As I’ve already said, the two chapters are actually a single prophecy.
As a wind separates the chaff from the wheat, the enemy of Babylon would blow her away as chaff. The archers of the enemy would shoot their arrows through the strongest armour of the Babylonians. She is to be utterly destroyed because of her sin against God’s people.
Throughout this chapter we find a repetition of what God is saying, first He talks about the destruction of Babylon, and then talks about His protection of His people, and they are mentioned in the same order throughout.
These prophecies of the doom of Babylon were made many years before Babylon fell. When the prophecies were fulfilled, Israel would know that God had not forsaken His people. If one would save his life, then he must flee from Babylon. Since she is beyond healing, as was Israel and Judah in their days of apostasy, then there would be no healing. The destruction of Babylon was the vindication of God’s people.
‘You who live by many waters and are rich in treasures.’ What is the connection here between rich treasures and water?
Babylon had the River Euphrates, and also a vast system of canals, which provided both security and irrigation. We know that the biggest and wealthiest cities throughout the world are those situated on the banks of great rivers, so this was the source of Babylon’s ‘rich treasures’.
‘I will surely fill you with men, as with as warm of locusts.’ I’m sure you have already come upon locusts in your Old Testament studies, and you will know that they are a truly destructive insect. Locusts were the source of the worst plagues that ever came upon the people in that area, and we still hear of swarms of locusts there today.
But the message here is, that God will provide swarms of men who will ransack the Babylonians in the same way as the Babylonians destroyed Judah.
Please read Jeremiah 10:12-16, it’s almost word for word the same, isn’t it?
And so, it should be, I would hate it if a preacher preached the same message, but told a different story from the biblical account.
Since it is reasonable to conclude that God is the creator of all things, then idolatry which is the manifestation of the spiritual inventions of man is insane. God has revealed Himself to those He created, Romans 1:20.
It is foolish, therefore, to ignore the evidence of God in the created world in order to follow after something that has been created after the imagination of men. For this reason, the invention of idols is a disgrace to the thinking of men. Idols are the result of men who seek to deceive themselves by believing lies.
God is emphasising the same thing, He will break into little pieces everything that appertains to Babylon. God used the Babylonians to punish Judah, as He used the Assyrians to punish Israel. But each nation, though used by God, did not give credit to God for their existence or accomplishments. They were pagan nations who simply sowed havoc among God’s people, submitting them to slavery throughout their empires.
For this reason, they would reap what they had sown. The consequence of their maltreatment of God’s people would be their annihilation from existence. These two empires would never exist again in history. Nebuchadnezzar had exalted the Babylonian Empire as a mountain over the nations. But in her punishment by God, she would be levelled as the flat plain on which the city was originally built.
Ararat is mentioned in verse 27. This is the mountainous area, where Noah’s ark came to rest. Verse 28 talks about the enemy that is coming to Babylon, the king of the Medes. There is something interesting here and in verse 11 where the Medes are again mentioned. This is proof, if any proof is needed, that this was not the past, this was not history, but this WAS prophecy.
No one who had written about this AFTER the event would have just mentioned the Medes, they would have brought the Persians into this…and referred to them as the Medo-Persians.
Verse 32 says that the soldiers are terrified. I bet they were, the enemy was all over their city. They had burned their houses. They had destroyed any hiding place the Babylonians might have run to.
As Coffman says, ‘mighty Babylon was as helpless as a woman untrained in war, with no protection, no armour, no weapons, and no hope. Let it be remembered, however, that this was a prophecy of ‘what would happen’, not a history of what did happen.’
This is true what Coffman says. But the sheer beauty of this is, that the prophecy was so accurate.
Though Nebuchadnezzar had committed atrocities against Israel, those who ruled the Babylonian Empire after his death would pay the price. The reason for the destruction of the empire, therefore, was because of Nebuchadnezzar’s maltreatment of the people of God during his reign.
‘Make her springs dry’ is a figure of speech and is evidently taken from the hanging gardens of Babylon. Water was also channelled into the city where it was made into waterfalls, and thus cooled houses. When the waters were dried up, the people sweltered in the extreme heat of the region.
God’s work through the Medo-Persians to bring down the Babylonian Empire was an act of vengeance. Since God’s people were helpless in delivering themselves, God came to their rescue.
Some believe that Sheshack was a code word for Babylon. The feast is possibly a reference to Belshazzar’s feast in Daniel 5. No one thought that Babylon would fall. She was so powerful because of her warrior culture that there was no one who could defeat her.
Nevertheless, the one true God punished the false god Bel. Babylon would no longer be the power to which the nations of the Near East would submit.
If one would save his life, then he must flee the city of Babylon, for it would fall. Though written over seventy years before the fall of Babylon, God had already made the judgment that the city fall.
Before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, God in His foreknowledge had already consigned the fall of Babylon. And when she did eventually fall, all who were affected by Babylon on earth were joined with angelic beings in singing for joy over her fall, Revelation 14.
They must never forget that Jerusalem and the temple were desecrated by those who were unbelievers. They must never forget the shame that was brought upon God by the destruction of those things in Judah that represented the presence of God.
Though Babylon had fortified herself against the strongest attacks, those who would plunder the city had arrived. No fortification would stand against God’s decree that the city falls.
The attackers would be like a surging wave that cannot be stopped. It was a time of God’s retribution upon those who had persecuted His people. Babylon’s fall, therefore, was repayment for what Babylon had done to others.
The leaders of Babylon were disoriented as a drunk and thus could not organise the forces of the nation against the attackers.
‘Babylon’s thick wall will be levelled.’ Many of the walls surrounding huge cities like Babylon would have had walls so thick that four chariots could have raced around them, abreast of each other. You will recall if you’ve ever studied Joshua, and read of the Fall of Jericho in Joshua 6, that the wall was similar to this one in Babylon. Now God says, Babylon, your thick wall will be levelled.
The fall of Babylon was predicted by Jeremiah during the years that Babylon was at her greatest. The message is written on a scroll and given to Seraiah, the brother of Baruch, Jeremiah 32:16. He is referred to as the staff officer. He would have been in charge of such things as accommodation, and travel arrangements, when Zedekiah made his trip to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign, which was about 593 B.C., Jeremiah 51:59.
This man, Seraiah, took the scroll that Jeremiah had written, which talked about all the disasters that would befall the Babylonians. He needed to have great courage and nerve to read such a scroll to the Babylonians.
After he read the scroll, it was thrown into the River Euphrates, to sink. This signified what would happen to Babylon, she would no longer rule, and she would never again rise to power. Like the scroll, she would sink. But note, this was in the fourth year of the reign of Zedekiah. So, Zedekiah was going to reign for another 7 years before the Fall of Jerusalem. So, this was another great prophecy.
The last six words of this chapter say, ‘The words of Jeremiah end here.’ This was probably inserted by a scribe. Someone who wanted to connect the final chapter, Jeremiah 52, as the historical record of Jeremiah’s prophecies, but also wanted to show that Jeremiah himself hadn’t written the last chapter. So, he wrote here, ‘The words of Jeremiah end here.’
That helps us to lead into Jeremiah 52 and recognise it as a historical record, not written by Jeremiah. Scholars generally agree that these six words were added by someone who wanted to maintain the integrity of their sacred books, which God had given into their keeping.